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Wednesday, December 10, 2014


I don't think I have ever seen a more accurate description of Puppy Guts and I damn near lost my mind laughing at this picture. We truly feel ourselves to be a passionate and graceful couple, but the reality is, we're a couple of perfectly matched weirdos who happened to find each other out of all of the  rest of the weirdos in the world.

The funny thing is, I think this is probably accurate about all people in relationships. Let me explain....

Who doesn't think they have a great relationship when they're in one? (I mean a real one. Not one of those fake ones where one or both is not happy , but they stay anyway because... Well, because....I don't even know.) But to the rest of the world, they are a couple of goofballs. But being a goofballs is who they are and they're happy. What's the problem with that? It's not really anyone else's business what happens behind closed doors and stuff and if the intent between those two people is true, regardless, I believe that the top picture holds true every time regardless of the weirdness or the level of goofiness. (Although, Morticia and Gomez were pretty weird.... But their passion and love for each other is true.) Soulmates are soulmates regardless of whether they're graceful, pretty people, or just a couple of goofballs like my Puppy Guts and me. <3

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