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Monday, December 8, 2014

My excessive use of foul language....

I will address the issue of my excessive usage of "curse words". I swear so much because fuck you.

Nah! I'm just kidding... Seriously. I'm actually going to address this:

I don't think that my swearing is necessarily excessive. It's not like I'm saying fuck or piss or cunt or shit or whatever ALL the time. I mean, yes I swear and I use the word FUCK as a noun, a verb, an adjective, an interjection, whatever. Same with the word SHIT. I make up my own words sometimes and I also know how to cuss someone out in six different languages. But does that make my use of swear words excessive?

The way I see it, they're just words. People are shitty and selfish and malicious and mean and cruel and downright disgusting towards one another and my using the FUCK word is offensive? THAT'S what people will find offensive.... Are you fucking kidding me?

You know what, I'm really starting to feel rather ridiculous that I have to explain this. I'm gonna stick to my original explanation and say: I swear so much because fuck you. There are those who understand and everyone else can go fuck themselves.

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