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Saturday, December 8, 2012

Mama Bear....

Nothing can piss a woman off quicker than if you mess with her kids. Or at least that's the way it should be. I am not talking about making excuses for your kids when they fuck up or blaming others for their crappy behavior. Those type of people are truly worthy of my contempt. Their parenting rights and privileges should have been stripped and their children taken away from them and placed in more suitable home a long time ago.

Think about it. We are living in a society where instead of kids seeing repercussions for their crappy actions and behaviors, they have their parents blaming the schools, the media, their peers, whatever. They blame everyone but themselves for raising an insolent, spoiled little shit nor do they blame the little shits themselves for the bad behaviors. What the fuck? Then, when you add on top of it, school's whose administrators don't really want to DO anything..... I swear on all things holy, there are SO many "staff members" who need to explain AND SHOW WHY they should have a tax payer funded job.... They're absolute useless tits who don't DO anything except make excuses and feebly try to justify their existences in the school.

I get calls from the school from time to time. The school is so eager to pin the rap on SOMEONE, that instead of going through a process, they've already got someone in mind to blame and that's it! All so that they can type up their fucking reports and sweep the whole incident under the rug and be done with it.  Lovely....

They don't like to call me much. I get my kid's part of the story, his reactions to how the school dealt with things and even the way the teacher treated him. And I ALWAYS end up confronting them at the school. They always get both barrels and they don't intimidate me with their stupid "jargon" and empty threats. I laugh at their attempts and roll my eyes quite a bit while in meetings with them. They don't like me. But it also ensures that they're not calling me for every petty little something or another either. Ugh..... My kid's school sucks ass.

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