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Saturday, December 15, 2012


Who hasn't heard by now, what happened..... A small little town, rocked by a senseless tragedy. And right in my "own backyard". It's kind of surreal at best. Sure, I could have posted one of the many pictures of the parents crying as they were desperately trying to call SOMEONE to give them information about their children on their cell phones or a picture of the children coming out of the school, gripping onto the back of the shirt of the classmate in front of them, crying, confused, scared. I could have..... But would the impact have been any different? At the end of the day, 26 innocent lives were snuffed out, twenty of whom which were children. And of course, the gunman himself made the 27th death. The coward ended his own life. It brings me no amount of peace.

The 20 year old Adam Lanza, with malicious intent, went into an elementary school after he killed his mom, a teacher at Sandy Hook, and took out 20 children, and six other adults, before killing himself. I'm not sure why he couldn't have just started with himself. Then there are questions about some others that he may or may not have killed BEFORE he went to the school..... Something about his girlfriend and her friend or some shit..... I'm sure the media is going to be all abuzz about this "latest event". Politicians have already extended their condolences and blah, blah, blah....... AGENDA TIME!!!!

Wait for it. It's coming. Gun control laws and the call for disarming the private sector. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah..... I am sick with grief over this. And seriously? By disarming the "private sector" we are literally going to be creating MORE killing boxes for maniacs like this. If ONE ADULT had been carrying a firearm, well, yes. We still would have had a "tragedy" on our hands, but I doubt it would have been to this extent. Carrying a firearm in a school is a felony. "No gun zones"...... Yeah. I get it.... Actually, no I don't. What the fuck is up with that? Maybe I'm not comfortable with the fact that there AREN'T armed AND TRAINED "citizens" in the schools where my children attend. This tragedy could have been anywhere, at any school, in any town.....

I'm sure that this incident is going to spark quite a bit of all sorts of debates. Meanwhile, our kids are sitting ducks in schools in quiet little towns, just like Newtown, population 27,560..... Well, less 26 souls and one soulless bastard... My condolences and prayers to those families who lost a loved one. My thoughts and prayers to the first responders who will probably be changed forever by what they had to see. And my thoughts and prayers to the children and staff at Sandy Hook Elementary school who will, no doubt, forever be affected by this tragedy.

I ask y'all to take a moment of silence, please.

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