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Monday, October 22, 2012

What the monkey fuck??!?!?!

A GREAT example of "active parenting":
I was at the grocery store some time ago and saw two teen aged boys, obviously over privileged and no guidance, with their mom talking to each other.

Boy 1: Did you see <girl> in that outfit today?
Boy 2: Yeah! She looked HAWT!
Boy 1: Oh, Yeah! I'd rape the SHIT out of that bitch!

Now, c'mon. Y'all know I'm not one for opening my mouth, like EVER..... <ehem> Shhhhhh! I'm telling the story here!

The mom says to me: EXCUUUUUUSE ME??!?!?!?!?!
Me: Did you just hear what THE FUCK your boy just said?
The mom: Oh.... He was just kidding! Boys will be boys!
Me: Are you fucking serious?
The mom: You don't have children, do you......
Me: As a matter of fact, I have four sons and two daughters. And my boys wouldn't ever dream of saying shit like that and my daughters would kick the shit out of any boy who did.
The mom: Well..... Your use of the "F" word is offensive....
Me: And I find you AND your boys to be FUCKING offensive.

I got a round of applause from two random men in the aisle with us as the woman and her monsters stalked off saying I was rude.

I curtseyed and went back about my business. This is what my kids are going to school with...... No wonder they get into so many fights at school.

(A note to mommies and daddies: Teach your sons well and your daughters better. THIS is what is in school with your kids.)

Now honestly... I think my use of the fuck word was completely justified and correct. I also think that my assumption that her parenting skills are lacking and downright shit are also justified and correct. Have we really slipped so far down the rabbit hole that two teenaged boys, talking like that about a girl in their school, in FRONT OF THEIR MOTHER is okay??!?!? And for the mother to be so cavalier and nonchalant about it makes me absolutely sick... And there are those who STILL don't understand why I hate people. Go figure.....

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