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Sunday, October 28, 2012


There are times when I wish I could just trade brains with someone, just so that they could understand me a little better, but then...... I think about it some more and I think to myself, "Would there be ANY coming back from that when they've experienced THAT?" The answer is, "Probably not."

There's always so much going on inside my head. There are theme songs for everything, a constant sound track for everything that I do, there are sound effects and imaginary movie explosions, alternative endings and blooper reels.... Private conversations that I have with myself, a laugh track, a "live studio audience" filled with all sorts of imaginary friends and a teleprompter that tells me the witty or sarcastic (or both) things that come out of my mouth and most of the times mt mouth skips over the censor so it comes out completely unedited. There are times when I go completely free style and I ad lib that shit too. There is a constant noise, static, energy, buzz or something going on in there. Silence would be terrifying to me.

It's probably a good thing that people can't switch brains because mine is SO much cooler than everybody else's. Someone might just want to keep it and not give it back. It's okay to be jealous that you don't have one like mine. I understand.

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