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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Locks FOR Love....

It's not that I will go out of my way for people. I don't like people. I'm an asshole. I go about my business and do what I need to do and that's about it. It' snot because I need some kind of recognition for the things I do or that I don't see that there are things out there that need fixing. That is NOT the case. It just seems that I get a lot of flack for trying to do good. Mostly because I'm an asshole. I think my intentions are mistaken a good portion of the time and it makes the effort kind of pointless when, in the end, I end up getting bashed for them. It's not that I'll stop trying, but honestly? Sometimes it gest rather tiring to try and put forth the effort in doing a good deed when the end result becomes nothing more than mental masterbation. No one feels good about anything and we all end up back in the same place we started off in. And yet I still try. Call it "my way of trying to make up for a lot of bad karma in my youth" but I feel the need to try my best and do what I can, when I can, despite what the end result is going to be. 

It's not that I, myself, am averse to giving my time, money, efforts or giving of myself for causes and stuff. I'll go out of my way to give a random homeless guy a hot meal and a hot cup of coffee or give the "local homeless guy" the last twenty bucks in my wallet. I've volunteered my time at shelters, I give what little money I have that's left over to a charity when I see them collecting stuff. Toys for Tots, Salvation Army, donating toys and books and clothes to women's shelters and hospitals. You get the idea.  Everybody does that shit. There's nothing special or spectacular there. Dime a dozen conscience clearers that make us think " I did good!" to make ourselves feel better. Yeah, it is, but unlike most folks, I have a lot of karma to fix. I'm an asshole with a terrible potty mouth, a quick temper and a nasty temperament. I make no bones about it. I'm an asshole. Not ALL the time, but I have some good solid moments. And more than most, I have a lot of things that I need to make right.

Last year, I went and chopped the hair to donate like 12" or 14" of hair to my FAVE charity, Locks of Love. I've explained it all here.... It was a kind of selfish thing because it's my own pet charity and I grow hair like it's nobody's business. I'm really good at it. So, it doesn't really count. I got a pretty haircut and someone may have happened to benefit from it. The hair would have been hacked off anyway and it just happened to be that I knew about this particular charity that I could donate it to, which seemed like a better option than it all ending up in the garbage. Fine.

This year? Something different came up. VERY different. As it happens, a couple of very good people were hit with the news that their 5 year old son had Leukemia. The news was devastating, but through it all, this husband and wife tag team extraordinaire muscle their way through, hand in hand. And even MORE inspiring was that their little boy showing strength and courage beyond anything that I could have imagined for one so young. Seriously..... I wanna be like this kid when I grow up. Their whole family was changed by this course of events, but if you knew them even in passing, their story is something that is just truly inspiring. They've shared something with others, something so personal, but imparted onto all of us touched by their lives, the very embodiment of warmth and love that every person WANTS to give to their own families. From youngest child to mother and father, the friends and family that surround them, right down to the 

"Super Jake", as he has been affectionately dubbed by our clan, at only five years of age, has shown more "DO SOME SHIT!" attitude than most people on the planet, with a smile on his face and a positive outlook throughout his frequent visits to the hospital. But when I heard that his smile faltered when he had to lose his hair, Puppy Guts and I were inspired to show our love and support by shaving off ours. That's right people! We went for the closely cropped look for Jake. Whats' the problem. As "family", it seems natural to me to show support to those we respect, honor, care for and love in a more personal way than one would do more others. 

I got asked, "Why would you do something like that?" to which my reply was simply, "If I have to explain it to you, you wouldn't understand anyway...." as I sadly shook my head and walked away. It was the very least we could do for a very brave little boy. The road to redemption is long and treacherous. It is filled with doubt and regret sometimes. It brings one to a place that is dark and painful. But then there are those moments when the road is as clear as day and one knows exactly what to do simply because it is right. A choice doesn't need to be made. It just was. 

To our hero, Super Jake: The number 45 is now bestowed upon you. My jersey number that I had and kept for as long as I can remember. Wear it proudly little Spartan. Our love and thoughts are with you always! 


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