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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween 2012

It's my favorite holiday of the year. Halloween. Kids get to dress up as whatever they want to be, go door to door collecting all sorts of sweets and treats, and yay all the fun and excitement that this holiday brings!

It also marks the end of the normal part of the year as tomorrow, I have to start bracing myself for my least favorite time of the year. The year end holidays. Blech....

Well, Happy Halloween, everybody.... I'm gonna go enjoy one last final day of YAY, before the yuck begins......

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Mischief Night 2012

It's that time of the year when the creeps and miscreants come out at night and stalk the streets, looking for trouble to cause and pranks to pull. Toilet paper everywhere, graffiti on the streets, walls and lawns, shaving cream in the mail boxes, the egging of houses.....

So, I prep to defend the house against the mischief night degenerates who have been known to hit this neighborhood..... I think 200 rounds of Simunition ought to do.... I've got to go set up my hide-y hole in the bushes now....

Sunday, October 28, 2012


There are times when I wish I could just trade brains with someone, just so that they could understand me a little better, but then...... I think about it some more and I think to myself, "Would there be ANY coming back from that when they've experienced THAT?" The answer is, "Probably not."

There's always so much going on inside my head. There are theme songs for everything, a constant sound track for everything that I do, there are sound effects and imaginary movie explosions, alternative endings and blooper reels.... Private conversations that I have with myself, a laugh track, a "live studio audience" filled with all sorts of imaginary friends and a teleprompter that tells me the witty or sarcastic (or both) things that come out of my mouth and most of the times mt mouth skips over the censor so it comes out completely unedited. There are times when I go completely free style and I ad lib that shit too. There is a constant noise, static, energy, buzz or something going on in there. Silence would be terrifying to me.

It's probably a good thing that people can't switch brains because mine is SO much cooler than everybody else's. Someone might just want to keep it and not give it back. It's okay to be jealous that you don't have one like mine. I understand.

Saturday, October 27, 2012


Typical..... My mind wanders quite a bit in my waking hours. Sometimes my focus is SO all over the place that I get dizzy and a little sea sick. Some of my best ideas come from the REALLY good "spells" and when I write them down as they pop into my head, they're pretty full of awesome when I come around and can focus on them to bring them to fruition.

But then it comes time for sleepy byes..... Sometimes it doesn't shut off. The switch gets stuck and I get left with a constant noise or chatter in my head, which leads to bouts of insomnia and stuff and YAY!  No I will NOT be taking any medications for this and change who I am. I'll live with my quirks and flaws, thank you very much.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Almost Halloween....

Here we are, coming around to that time of year again...... The Halloween candy has been bought. All of them the usual favorites and of course, there's extra bags of everything. I don't really get into the chocolates and sweets all the time, but when Halloween rolls around, the candy goblin in me seems to stir and OM NOM NOM NOM. What can I say? .......Fuck you. Don't judge me.

Of course, I can't set a proper example and nom all that candy in front of the kids. I can't be telling them that candy is bad while I'm shoving a Twix bar into my face. I also can't be telling them that candy is NOT considered a breakfast, lunch or dinner food, when the days leading up to Halloween are of me eating candy for breakfast lunch and dinner,  so I hide the extra bags of it in the closet.....

I hate when the kids come looking for me in the closet when I'm "testing" the candy in the closet by myself! Yeesh! They just wouldn't understand that I'm just being an awesome mom by eating all the candy so that they wouldn't be subjected to all that junk AND it wouldn't go to waste.... :sniffle: I'm such an awesome mom! :wipe tear and flick:  ......Not buying it, huh? Yeah. Neither do my kids....

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The "Correct" way to do things......

There are SO many things that have a wrong way and a right way to be done. There are things that it really DOESN'T matter. I mean, I once got told that the way I load a dishwasher was wrong or the way I folded laundry was wrong. Are you fucking serious? It gets done and voila. What the fuck difference does it make? Pfft! It doesn't really matter.

Now there ARE certain things that DO require a proper technique or method. For example: The proper way to eat an Oreo, the proper way to eat a Kit Kat, the proper way to eat a s'more, the real way to eat lobster (knowing full damn well, there IS NO WAY to eat one with dignity), the proper way to eat pizza..... Wait a second..... I'm starting to notice a pattern here..... Can't quite put my finger on it, but there is a pattern.......

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Not me.....

I hear, "Not me! I didn't do it!" more times in the house than I really care to count. With four kids running around, and all four of them being a little mischievous most times, I am constantly having to have to see "what happened" only to find something broken, spilled, destroyed, blown up, on fire, cracked, shattered, or something..... And then the fun begins.

It's always the same course of events. I go to where whatever the event happened. I ask, "What the hell happened?" I get the canned response of the shoulder shrugs and the "I don't know...."s and I shoot back with, "Who did this?" and I get four "NOT ME!"-s. :sigh: That part never changes.

Every once in a while, even I have to admit, a certain something will occur that will impress me and the "non guilty" parties (although they ALL act shocked....) and I begin to realize, I have a whole mini army of little me's..... Some days I don't know whether I should be proud or frightened...... Yay!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Shut Up, Now?

There are times when certain people are talking to me when I really DON'T want them talking at all, that makes me wonder if they'd notice if a hauled off and punched them right in the face. BLah, blah, blah, blah, blah..... They continue on even though you're rolling your eyes and giving them murderous looks. They keep yapping even though you say, "I HAVE TO GO!!!!" I bet there would be a lot less of this happening if it was considered okay or even polite to punch someone in the face to get them to shut up. I'm sure MY face would have it's share of bruises and lumps, but I know others who would look FAR worse. :)

Monday, October 22, 2012

What the monkey fuck??!?!?!

A GREAT example of "active parenting":
I was at the grocery store some time ago and saw two teen aged boys, obviously over privileged and no guidance, with their mom talking to each other.

Boy 1: Did you see <girl> in that outfit today?
Boy 2: Yeah! She looked HAWT!
Boy 1: Oh, Yeah! I'd rape the SHIT out of that bitch!

Now, c'mon. Y'all know I'm not one for opening my mouth, like EVER..... <ehem> Shhhhhh! I'm telling the story here!

The mom says to me: EXCUUUUUUSE ME??!?!?!?!?!
Me: Did you just hear what THE FUCK your boy just said?
The mom: Oh.... He was just kidding! Boys will be boys!
Me: Are you fucking serious?
The mom: You don't have children, do you......
Me: As a matter of fact, I have four sons and two daughters. And my boys wouldn't ever dream of saying shit like that and my daughters would kick the shit out of any boy who did.
The mom: Well..... Your use of the "F" word is offensive....
Me: And I find you AND your boys to be FUCKING offensive.

I got a round of applause from two random men in the aisle with us as the woman and her monsters stalked off saying I was rude.

I curtseyed and went back about my business. This is what my kids are going to school with...... No wonder they get into so many fights at school.

(A note to mommies and daddies: Teach your sons well and your daughters better. THIS is what is in school with your kids.)

Now honestly... I think my use of the fuck word was completely justified and correct. I also think that my assumption that her parenting skills are lacking and downright shit are also justified and correct. Have we really slipped so far down the rabbit hole that two teenaged boys, talking like that about a girl in their school, in FRONT OF THEIR MOTHER is okay??!?!? And for the mother to be so cavalier and nonchalant about it makes me absolutely sick... And there are those who STILL don't understand why I hate people. Go figure.....

Sunday, October 21, 2012


I have a pet peeve about people making assumptions. The people who are grabbing something out of your hand before they start asking, "Hey, can I borrow that?". The people who are changing the channel on the television beofre they as, "Hey, can I change the channel?" The people who take something sitting in front of you, a something that you're OBVIOUSLY using, before they ask, "Hey, can I use that?" We've all run across them and there really is no right way to respond. At least I don't think so. My first reaction is usually to swing first. I smack. It grabs the offender's attention very quickly and it makes them think twice about wanting to do that again next time. Others will verbally express their dismay and "What the fuck??!??" their way into regaining their rights to whatever it was the offender took. You get the wishy washies that will just let it happen.... (They drive me nuts too....) and all sorts in between.

But what is with these offenders? I don't get how they think that this behavior is okay. Sometimes I wonder if they realize they're doing it at all, but on the other hand, they HAVE to know that what they're doing isn't exactly cool.... But they do it anyway, which makes me question their upbringing and stuff....

Yet another pet peeve of mine....

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Locks FOR Love....

It's not that I will go out of my way for people. I don't like people. I'm an asshole. I go about my business and do what I need to do and that's about it. It' snot because I need some kind of recognition for the things I do or that I don't see that there are things out there that need fixing. That is NOT the case. It just seems that I get a lot of flack for trying to do good. Mostly because I'm an asshole. I think my intentions are mistaken a good portion of the time and it makes the effort kind of pointless when, in the end, I end up getting bashed for them. It's not that I'll stop trying, but honestly? Sometimes it gest rather tiring to try and put forth the effort in doing a good deed when the end result becomes nothing more than mental masterbation. No one feels good about anything and we all end up back in the same place we started off in. And yet I still try. Call it "my way of trying to make up for a lot of bad karma in my youth" but I feel the need to try my best and do what I can, when I can, despite what the end result is going to be. 

It's not that I, myself, am averse to giving my time, money, efforts or giving of myself for causes and stuff. I'll go out of my way to give a random homeless guy a hot meal and a hot cup of coffee or give the "local homeless guy" the last twenty bucks in my wallet. I've volunteered my time at shelters, I give what little money I have that's left over to a charity when I see them collecting stuff. Toys for Tots, Salvation Army, donating toys and books and clothes to women's shelters and hospitals. You get the idea.  Everybody does that shit. There's nothing special or spectacular there. Dime a dozen conscience clearers that make us think " I did good!" to make ourselves feel better. Yeah, it is, but unlike most folks, I have a lot of karma to fix. I'm an asshole with a terrible potty mouth, a quick temper and a nasty temperament. I make no bones about it. I'm an asshole. Not ALL the time, but I have some good solid moments. And more than most, I have a lot of things that I need to make right.

Last year, I went and chopped the hair to donate like 12" or 14" of hair to my FAVE charity, Locks of Love. I've explained it all here.... It was a kind of selfish thing because it's my own pet charity and I grow hair like it's nobody's business. I'm really good at it. So, it doesn't really count. I got a pretty haircut and someone may have happened to benefit from it. The hair would have been hacked off anyway and it just happened to be that I knew about this particular charity that I could donate it to, which seemed like a better option than it all ending up in the garbage. Fine.

This year? Something different came up. VERY different. As it happens, a couple of very good people were hit with the news that their 5 year old son had Leukemia. The news was devastating, but through it all, this husband and wife tag team extraordinaire muscle their way through, hand in hand. And even MORE inspiring was that their little boy showing strength and courage beyond anything that I could have imagined for one so young. Seriously..... I wanna be like this kid when I grow up. Their whole family was changed by this course of events, but if you knew them even in passing, their story is something that is just truly inspiring. They've shared something with others, something so personal, but imparted onto all of us touched by their lives, the very embodiment of warmth and love that every person WANTS to give to their own families. From youngest child to mother and father, the friends and family that surround them, right down to the 

"Super Jake", as he has been affectionately dubbed by our clan, at only five years of age, has shown more "DO SOME SHIT!" attitude than most people on the planet, with a smile on his face and a positive outlook throughout his frequent visits to the hospital. But when I heard that his smile faltered when he had to lose his hair, Puppy Guts and I were inspired to show our love and support by shaving off ours. That's right people! We went for the closely cropped look for Jake. Whats' the problem. As "family", it seems natural to me to show support to those we respect, honor, care for and love in a more personal way than one would do more others. 

I got asked, "Why would you do something like that?" to which my reply was simply, "If I have to explain it to you, you wouldn't understand anyway...." as I sadly shook my head and walked away. It was the very least we could do for a very brave little boy. The road to redemption is long and treacherous. It is filled with doubt and regret sometimes. It brings one to a place that is dark and painful. But then there are those moments when the road is as clear as day and one knows exactly what to do simply because it is right. A choice doesn't need to be made. It just was. 

To our hero, Super Jake: The number 45 is now bestowed upon you. My jersey number that I had and kept for as long as I can remember. Wear it proudly little Spartan. Our love and thoughts are with you always! 

Friday, October 19, 2012

You're an idiot.....

I call just about everyone "stupid", "idiot", "moron", "retard", "fucktard supreme".... You get the idea. Sometimes I mean it in a more playful and loving way. Other times, I just mean it. The thing is, I never really realized that there are some whom I call "wondertard" or whatever, and I mean it, but they don't realize that it's true. Is it so hard for them to see that they really ARE as stupid as I see them to be? It kind of ruins it when you have to take the time to explain that you really mean it and give examples of the reasons why you feel this way. It also ruins the whole thing when the person you are trying to convince still thinks you're joking. THAT makes me realize even MORE how correct I was in my assumptions of the depths of their stupidity, which makes me want to point it out even more....  I know.... I've got my one way bus ticket to hell waiting for me..... Thanks.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Another step....

Moving forward isn't always easy, but when it's done, it feels pretty damn good. It's always just a single step at a time and I try to tread as carefully as I can. If I do happen to make a mistake and end up having to take a step back, it's not that I'm going to stop and it's not that I'm retreating either. I will retake that step forward, but only after I have figured out how best to retake that step.

I've been cutting loose a lot of the "negatives" in my life. That includes people. Some have told me that I may be burning bridges. Is it really a bad thing though when it get rid of the negativity that is associated with and stems from that particular bridge I burn? Is it really horrible that I would much rather move forward with more things positive in my life than negative? I mean, it's not like I haven't thought long and hard about certain bridges that I've burned. I actually watched as the flames licked at the structures and felt the warmth of the growing fire and finally watching as it crashed down into a pile of rubble and ash and felt relief. (Figuratively speaking, of course.)

I don't understand why keeping such negative ties would be so important anyway. It's sort of self defeating when what you're looking for is personal growth and a better future. I've often thought back to some of those burned bridges and know that I made the right decisions and felt better for it. I look at the list still in front of me and realize that there really isn't too much good for me there either. The thing of it is, as the list gets shorter and shorter, those remaining are a little harder and harder to let go of. Not because of some sense of remorse, not because of some feeling of guilt, but because of the huge negativity that they are attached to that made such an impact in my life. Not only did they bring something detrimental into my life, but it also shaped me into who I became and ultimately into who I am now. They are the focus of everything I don't want to be. Then there's also the fear of, what happens when I am left completely untethered and floating free? It's kind of a scary thought, being free and untethered.... But I think I'm going to like it.....

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Quiet for a reason.....

If one shuts up for long enough and just watches the interactions of other people, or sit back and listens to what people are saying, you can get a pretty good sense of just who and what a person is. I'm not one for people. I don't like them much. I mean, I'm not an antisocial sociopath or anything like that, it's just that, I really can't stand a lot of the people I come across.

Getting a good sense of a person really does save a lot of grief and hassle. You get a solid understanding of whether or not you want to continue speaking with someone or just walk away without saying another word. Just watch, listen, nod your head and smile while you judge and either engage in conversation or turn around and walk away abruptly.

It always makes it all the more awesome when someone who was talking to someone you judges and avoided comes up to you and says, "Oh my GAWD! That person is such an ASS!" And you are left smiling broadly, while knowingly nodding your head, saying to yourself, "Yeah. I know."

Saturday, October 13, 2012

WOO HOO!!!!!!

It's hard to believe, really, but this here, what you are reading right now, is my 1000th blog post. It's kind of hard to believe that I had so much to say, and still have so much more rattling around in my head. I guess having had so many years of being told to shut up, it kind of got backed up and stuff...

Along this road, I have picked up tens of thousands of hits to the blog page, several thousands of individual hits, with new ones coming in every day, coming in from all over the world like: the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, the Philipines, Brazil, India, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Malaysia, Finland, France, Hong Kong, Peru, Saudi Arabia, Slovenia, Thailand, Tunisia, Taiwan, Montenegro, Madagasgar, Oman, Macedonia, Brunei, the Czech Republic, Croatia, the Maldives, Malawi, Vietnam, Jordan, Sri Lanka, Oman, Latvia, Morocco, Uganda, Panama, Serbia, Slovakia, Estonia, Mexico, Poland, Norway, Russia, Sweden, South Africa, Italy, Ghana, Denmark, Egypt, New Zealand, Singapore, Spain, Lebanon, Indonesia, Bosnia, the United Arab Emirates, Aruba, Bangladesh, Fiji, Chile, Hungary, Ireland, Argentina, Austria, Bulgaria, Israel, Japan, Pakistan, Turkey, the Ukraine, Columbia, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania, Switzerland, Costa Rica, Belize, Cameroon, Cuba.... Just to name a bunch.

I didn't really think that this blog would get read beyond friends, family and stalkers, but this is way kewl. Thanks! Love and hugs! Mia

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The way I see it.....

I don't necessarily see things like everyone else does. I mean, I do, but I don't.... Whether it's a perceptual thing or interpretational or whatever, from person to person, everyone sees things differently. (Proof is in an event occurring in front of ten different people and getting ten different takes on the even that happened.....) Enter: me. I will have noticed that there was a shiny thing on the ground where the guy in the yellow shirt stepped, right before he tripped over the curb... Why does one thing have to be one way and another thing be another if it all happened in the same context of the initial occurrence itself? And melted down all together,  it's how the shit went down. I just happen to notice some unrelated, completely off topic, a random something else. It's kind of weird I guess. Just further proof that we are all different, thinking individuals with our own thought processes..... Go figure!

WORSE dancer......

I am the WORST dancer. I truly am. I can make a frog in a blender look like it has mad skillz and talent. But, I have finally come across another who is worse at this dancing thing than me. Someone who has a worse sense of rhythm, someone who has a worse sense of timing, someone who is by far more clumsy than I..... It is unfortunate that it is my eldest son.... I'm not sure whether it was because he was screwing around and trying to act like a deranged monkey hopped up on crack and trying to hump a football or what, but it was pretty bad. I thought I was the end all be all of world's worst dancer, but it seems I may have to give up the crown and pass the scepter on down to my son.... Well, I guess it's good that the title still stays in the family....

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Good word/ bad word.... Eh....

I've addressed my use of colorful language, and that I do try to curb my language in front of the elderly (sometimes) and in front of children (for the most part). A good portion of the time, I am successful. It's not to say that I don't have an occasional slip up and say something that maybe, perhaps, I should have said in my inside voice instead.... With that being said, I don't know that I'd ever seriously get mad (unless it was a "fuck you" directed at me) at any of my kids for dropping a "swear word".

There are so many other things that I'm going to have to deal with that are far more serious than saying "Shit!" or something. I'm not talking about the habitual cussing where everything is "fucking this and shit piss cock ass lick cunt mother fucker", but words meant in earnest. The innocent, "Oh, shit!" when something that shouldn't have happened happens.  Or the "Damn it!" that happens if they screw something up. Who hasn't let a "bad word" fly once in a while? Why should that be the exception for children? I mean is there some kind of magical age limit when all of a sudden, the magical switched gets turned and then it becomes okay? They're just words for fuck's sake. They know that there is an inappropriate nature to certain words and stuff and that they shouldn't be dropping these words around randomly and willy nilly. But if you put a super TABOO on them, they become more alluring and stuff. If you just put it out there and explain it "matter of fact-ly" it just becomes a non-issue. If it does get dropped accidentally, a simple, "No... Let's not really use that word like that..." and it's done. I get an "Okay mommy!" and that's it. No freaking out, no tears, no drama and no problems. They'll hear something "inappropriate" but it doesn't phase them AND they know, "Okay.... That was inappropriate. I get it..."

With so many things that are out there and so many other issues that are more pressing and serious when it comes to teaching my children, seriously? "Swearing" really doesn't rank. They're just words for fuck's sake.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Epic mornings.....

I love those mornings when I wake up sore..... It isn't necessarily about an awesome night of nocturnal activities in the bedroom with my Puppy Guts either, although those are awesome as hell.... There are mornings when I will wake up sore because I had a particularly busy day doing something and it got accomplished well. An awesome training session. A solid workout. Some kind of job well done. There is a certain sense of accomplishment that comes from being sore when waking up in the morning sometimes. A certain sense of pride in a job well done, with a little reminder that you did. It's kind of cool.... I'm gonna go take some Aleve now because owie...

Saturday, October 6, 2012


I know racism is a terrible thing. One shouldn't judge or dislike a person by the way he or she looks. One shouldn't judge a person by their race, creed, color, religion, beliefs, or any combination thereof. With that being said, I'm going to rant about the thing that everyone thinks on the inside, but doesn't have the balls to come out and say in their outside voice. Fuck you. There's no taking the high ground on this one because we all think the same way about certain things, especially about people. At least I have the balls to "say it out loud".

There are racist labels for all walks and some negative generalizations of one sort or another attached to them all. And yet there is truth to some of this shit.... The first thing anyone does is "once over" people they come across and then they make an automatic judgement even before either opens their mouth. You see people on the street and you go through the thought process: What color are they? So therefore, they must be: <THIS>. Then you play the "threat/ possible threat/ not a threat" game based on your assessment and then, you go from there....

Well, let's go through a few of these "assessments": People who speak in gangstah-nese, the wanna be "thug life" ass hats who commit petty crimes and assault random people because they think they're tough shit and they refer to each others as "niggahs"....What.. Does that make ME a racist because I said it or does that make you a racist for knowing what the fuck I'm talking about.... Chew on that one for a little while....) They come in all sorts of colors. White, black, yellow, purple, green, red, orange.... There isn't a color set for these types, but you avoid them because they must be cracked out gangsters who rape white women or they're just assholes and you don't want to get their stupid on you. Any middle eastern looking mother fucker will make people nervous because they think that they're a terrorist of some sort and they've either got a bomb strapped to their chest or they are carrying some deadly communicable disease or something like that. Whatever. It gives me cause to keep both eyes peeled, one hand on my weapon and the other hand on a secondary weapon. Fuck THAT noise. Hispanic looking assholes are all illegals who crossed the borders illegally and are sucking up the government assistance and sending it back to family in Mexico. Any Asian looking shit head is a dirty, communist chink intent on buying up the U.S,'s debt and taking over America and making it Mini China. Anyone white, wearing a flannel is a stupid redneck hick about to do something stupid after saying, "Here.... Hold mah beer...."... I mean it goes on and on....

Oh. And don't worry. I've got racial slurs and offensive generalizations for everyone. I'm an equal opportunity racist. I think everyone sucks.

I hate to think that I am a racist, but the truth to the matter is, I, like everyone else on this fucking planet, am a racist to some degree. All the races have negative attachments to them. Creed, belief systems and religion? I don't agree with most of them nor do I subscribe to any of it. I think that a lot of people who "follow" religion are just a bunch of sheep who don't know any better. I've done my fair share of bible study and it's sad to think that I may know a lot more about "their good book" then these so called "religious folk" do. ANY religion is really a way to control the masses. Some are a bit more extreme than others. Look at islam.... Seriously? And honestly? I really don't think the world would miss them if they were to disappear one day. I know I sure as shit wouldn't.

And really, I don't know whether it's that I'm a racist so much as it is I just hate people and I am distrustful of almost everyone. It's not as if though I would really count on my fellow man to go above and beyond for anything other than their own selfish wants and needs. Even if it is for themselves, most times, it's half assed and mediocre at best.... The world is going to hell and the people are fiddling like Nero as Rome burned while it's happening. And this is supposed to make me feel any better about the human race? At least by calling myself a racist, I can sort and organize the way I'm going to hate everyone in neatly stacked piles in ascending order.

I offend a lot of people all the time, every day. Simply put, it's because I'm honest about this kind of shit and I put it out there. So, if I have this dislike of all people, does that really count as racism then? Or is it because I've made the generalizations about all people in neatly organized little piles that makes me a racist. I'm not quite sure.... Oh well. I hold to the fact that I probably have racist tendencies, but at least I'm honest about it.... Another little something that I have analyzed and have to add to the pile of "things I  might need to fix in my life".....

Friday, October 5, 2012

Oh, HELL no!

Grounding the kids is never fun, but sometimes it is necessary and of course, it is up to me as the parent to dispense the proper punishments for certain "crimes" perpetrated by the youngin's. :sigh: The real serious groundings seem reserved for teen broody pants because he can be the biggest trouble maker of the brood (for the time being...). He loses out on phone time, XBox, social time, going out, hanging out and other shit like that. All the things that he finds to be the most important things in his life. It ends up being his own attitude and pissy, bitchy behavior that gets him deeper into trouble because he refuses to take responsibility for his actions and refuses to control his own behaviors, especially when he has gone into full on brood mode. It's such a pain in the ass.

It's not that I like to take away his privileges and have him be all miserable, but in trying to be an active parent and do my parenting job, he has to learn that there are consequences to his actions. What makes it suck all the more is the fact that when he goes into his bitchy little "whatever" mode, he becomes the victim and everything is unfair and everyone hates him and blah, blah, blah, blah..... Pfft. And the original message and the reasons WHY he got grounded in the first place become lost because he's so focused on how rotten his life is.... :s

Then he's got to turn up the "worse", to "Oh, no the FUCK you didn't!" STILL not understanding that it is his own actions that is landing him first in hot water before meeting a nuclear holocaust. I mean, he's admitted to me in the past that he does things just to be a pain in the ass, and has also admitted that it really doesn't do him a whole hell of a lot of good, but he was going to continue to do it anyway. I don't understand his logic, but there you have it. So, we continue on with this shit that leads to much frustration and pissiness which is ALWAYS full so SO MUCH AWESOME FUN! (That should be read in a REALLY sarcastic tone, eye twitching, nostrils flaring, forehead vein throbbing...)

We always go back and discuss where he went wrong. Sometimes he knows, and other times he continues to be a pissy little bitch. I'll do my best to walk away and keep him sequestered in his room when he gets like that, but sometimes, he just HAS to cross that line again and something else gets taken away from him. And it's temper tantrum city again....

I get told that he will eventually grow out of this when his hormones balance out. That someday, I will look back on all of this and laugh about it. How someday I will laugh even harder when his own children are driving him up a wall much in the same way he is driving me nuts right now. In the meantime..... Grrrr........

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Get a fuckin' room!!!!

I understand people wanting to show a little affection to their significant others wherever they happen to be, when out in public, but there is a HUGE difference between what is acceptable forms of PDA and what most certainly ISN'T.... Let me explain....

Acceptable would be hand holding or hugging or little kissies and snuggling...

Unacceptable would be groping and humping and rolling around and looking like they're trying to eat each others' faces with their tongues and liberating certain of body parts from pieces of clothing that REALLY ought to stay in said piece of clothing..... :shudder:

Honestly. There are probably things that happen in the privacy of a bedroom that ought to stay in the bedroom, that no one else really needs to see. You know.... Private time stuff... And private time stuff should stay, you know..... Private.

Yeah..... Ran across two individuals being WAY to public with their displays of affections.... I don't want to talk about it any more.... :verp:

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Stupidity is overbreeding.....

The more I go out and watch people, the more I get depressed and makes me not ever want to go out into the world again.... Stupidity is everywhere and it's breeding at an alarming rate. More stupid idiots are having more babies every day... Ever seen the movie Idiocracy? I don't think it was just a very stupid comedy. I think it was a warning....  A documentary..... And it seems like it's true.

As much as I would hate to have the government get involved and gain even more power over the people than they already have, I sometimes also think that there should be a licensing process for stupid people, illegal aliens in this country, and certain "bad elements" to breed. I believe that people should have to meet a certain set of criteria in order to procreate. I know.... Not a politically correct thing to say and how dare I try to give power over peoples' reproduction to an uncaring government. On the other side of that, look at what's going on... Is it that hard for people to see what some people are and that they are reproducing? Who hasn't thought, "My GOD! I hope that person doesn't ever have kids!", but then.... They do..... Then, it's not as if though their breeding begets anything more than the same type of idiot from which they came. I feel as if there should be some regulation over the overbreeding of idiots. There's just too many of them.... Just sayin'.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Some movies....

Some movies shouldn't EVER be shown to kids. EVER!!!!! Having to explain to a sobbing child that Bambi's mom isn't going to come back, Old Yeller isn't going to be okay, that Charlotte won't be helping Wilbur any more or something like that..... There should be a warning label on the backs of these movies that SAY something like:  "Warning: This movie contains the death of a character which we will do our best to make you fall in love with or at the very least endear you to so that when we kill him/ her, it will cause you and your children irreparable emotional damage." OR something like that. Yay for the ratings and all. I can chose what kinds of movies that I will allow the children to watch and whether or not the content of said movie can be deemed "appropriate" for my children. Great. But I also think there should be that warning about what is considered "appropriate", but I'm still going to have to explain to my children and soothe them because of too. Just sayin'..... Oh and "March of the Penguins"? You know, the one where Morgan Freeman narrates it... Although it sounds really cute, DON'T DO IT.