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Sunday, May 15, 2011

What's the DEAL?

Another question came up.... I'll do my best to answer it... "What is the deal with your life? Why is it that so much wacky shit happens in your life that you are able to post so much crap about it?"
It's not so much that wacky shit happens in my life really. I just take the time to notice it. I see life happening all around me. I make note of it. Some of it is pretty cool. Some, downright amazing... Most of the time? Fine... Wacky. Whatever is going on, I like to see it. It seems a shame to me that most people skate through life and don't take the time to SEE things. Life is really about the series of events that go on, not just in the close proximity but in the world around you. I'm not talking about what goes on in the world that makes the news. I am talking about the "little things" that may not get the recognition that it deserves.
I have been blessed to be acquainted with many braves souls who have put themselves out there, whether they are preaching to the masses, teaching self defense classes to help people protect themselves and the people around them, genuinely caring people who give of themselves to try and better the world as a whole, maybe not necessarily on a GRAND scale, but instead of polluting the already dirty waters, they're doing something positive.
I take notice of things that go on around me simply because that's the nature of the world. I refuse to put blinders on and travel along the road of life thinking everything is great. Stupidity is all around us and it brings me much amusement to watch it. I like experiencing life. There's so much out there and I know that I won't even get to even hear about even a small percent of it.
The other day, Lucky and I were doing a bunch of hanging out in various places. Parks, the mall, various spots and hang outs. Our mission was to find a nice bottle of rye, strike up random conversations with people we don't know, take a bunch of random pictures, learn something new and wander around and enjoy the day together. It was awesome. We met a lot of really cool people in and around town and we discovered cricket. Not the bug... The game. A group of guys were playing in the park and we sat a watched. The guys not on the pitch were kind enough to explain the game to us... Several times... It's quite an interesting game. I knew that baseball was based on cricket and stuff, but MAN is cricket brutal.
We met a bunch of skaters at the skate park, got a bunch of random funny pictures all over the place, found some rye, met a bunch of really nice people AND their dogs and managed to accomplish all of our missions for the day. And it was a glorious day to boot!
Sure our "dates" aren't dinner and a movie, then a night of dancing or parties and whatnot. They aren't "conventional". But our life together isn't about being able to say, well, this is what's going to happen on this day and we're going to do this. It's an adventure and we never know what we'll find or what we'll see...

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