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Thursday, August 2, 2012


My Puppy Guts and I have a lot of pictures of ourselves that are taken in a "self shot" manner. My arms aren't long enough so we have quite a few that are out of focus and right up the nose. Puppy Guts has arms that are longer and we have a few pretty decent shots too. There are pictures of us in all sorts of places with all sorts of people taken during our random rabble rousing adventures. It's become something of a "thing" for us and it also helps to make a little momento of all the things that we've done when we rabble rouse.

Pictures are a funny thing. Going back through old photos to a moment that you had forgotten, but it all becomes as clear to you as if it happened yesterday. Sometimes, you remember your exact thoughts when the picture was taken. You remember the moment, you remember the occasion, everything. Other times, you're looking at the picture and you're thinking, "When the hell was this taken and where the fuck was I?" There are probably picture that bring you back and make you think, "Oh my GOD! I look like such a dork!" (Which for me, is more often than for most....) It's a pretty cool thing, pictures.

It's the reason why I like that Puppy Guts and I photo document our lives. From the little moments to the big ones, we have pictures of everything so that one day, when we're stupid old and stuff, we can look back on these memories and say, "THAT was a fun day, wasn't it?" and keep on having things to talk about even then.

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