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Monday, August 20, 2012

Teen Convos....

My teen has his buddies over at the house often and they hang out in his room (two doors down from mine) and talk or he communicates with his friends on the phone or online or on his XBox.... It's the most ridiculous and inane bunch of blabbering I've ever heard! I realize that he and his friends think that they are having serious conversations about serious things and it's all VERY important to them, but some of the conversations are seriously barely a step above stupid. Example: (Part of an ACTUAL  conversation that I transcribed, word for word just the other day.....)

"So, like.... I was all, like..... "Dude!" And he was all, like, "What?" And I was, like, all sorts of, like, "Dude..."

"I KNOW! And remember when he was all, like, "Whoa!" and like was all like "DUDE!"

And after listening to an hour of that... (And I swear, that was the content of the whole hour long conversation.) I was ready to tear my hair out. I think I may have lost some IQ points and some of my brain cells were reported to have committed suicide. I heard the words, "dude", "whoa", "like" and "all" more times in 15 minutes than one would hear in both "Bill and Ted" movies. (Did I just date myself a little there? Perhaps I did.... )

I get that, to them, these are very important conversations and that they are moving mountains and changing the world with every word. I get that for the time being, these conversations are completely relevant and revolutionary. I can also understand that right now, THIS is what their lives are all about and that is their world. But in all honesty..... Well...... Really? I swear I went a little crossed eyed by the time they were done.

Out of curiosity, wondering whether ANY of them knew what the hell they were talking about, I went to my son's room and simply said, "Huh??!??" So, he explained. Apparently, "....throughout a whole entire day of school some time last year, there were a few individuals who were causing trouble and wreaking havoc throughout the school, but by the end of the day, they were apprehended, totally busted and suspended... It was pretty awesome because these guys are real jerks and they were so cocky and thought they wouldn't get caught, but they did.... :snicker: Epic!"

I guess it's a teen thing or whatever, but an hour long conversation using only the words "like", "all", "dude", and "whoa" conveyed all of that... Go figure. I need to brush up on my "Teen-ese" or something.... I wonder if they make a "Rosetta Stone" for that.... :s

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