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Thursday, April 26, 2012

When you can't go it alone.....

I am so very thankful that I have such an eclectic group of friends whom I know I can count on should I need anything. I am coming to find that I have a lot more strength than I thought. Not the physical kind, but the inner kind. I like fighting my own battles and getting things done my own way. There are, however, times when I, myself, cannot get accomplished the things I need to on my own. I normally don't like to have to rely on others to get done the things I need to do, but sometimes it is necessary. I think of all the "dilution' that can happen.... The more people you involve, the quicker it feels like the "original mission" gets watered down and the ultimate goal seems to get lost because everyone has their own ideas as to how to best get it done. There are times when I am not equipped to, I am not trained to, I am not licensed to, I am not able to, or whatever to accomplish some vital something in order to get something done. :sigh:
It is getting easier for me to relinquish the reins a little and ask for help when I need it. I actually HAVE people that I know I can count on. They're not going to tell me that they're going to do something to placate me, only to be looking for some kind of favor in return.  I know that the job tasked to them will get done in a timely manner and it will get done well and not some haphazard, half assed attempt that's a step above failure. I won't get the :eye roll: and the feeling that I'm putting them out. It's quite nice to be able to depend on someone and trust that I needn't worry.
I guess it was hard for me to ask for help because I was let down far too often in the recent past. I mean why the hell would I want to ask for help when it was always greeted like a burden and the end result was nothing more than some lame attempt and mediocre at best. Especially from the people that I should have been able to count on the most. And then I would have been expected to show gratitude and praise them for a job excellently done when in short, I could have done it myself better.
I see the way things should have been all along and I am grateful. I see it in a lot of things in my life, but I suppose that having had the worst, I can fully appreciate what I have now and DAMN, that's an awesome feeling.

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