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Tuesday, April 24, 2012


There are just some things that weren't meant to be. They were meant to be left undone, unfound, un-whatever and we should just learn to let it go and move on. It's disheartening and sometimes kind of frustrating, but on the other hand.... Well, what the fuck are ya gonna do?
I've come across quite a few many snags in my "journey forward". As much as I would like to have certain things squared away, the reality is, I just don't think it's going to happen. Whatever... I can't do anything about it, I can't force it and I can't shoot it.
As frustrating as it is sometimes, it becomes petty and meaningless when I'm looking forward and seeing the rest of all the stuff I have to get done. As much as I would LOVE to be able to say that ALL of my t's are crossed and ALL of my i's are dotted, I know that it isn't realistic since I am counting on others to assure completion of these things. People that I cannot rely on, which is the reason they've been "dismissed" in the first place.
Sometimes, it's more frustrating than others, but I'm learning to cope and when the day is done, I really don't lose sleep over any of it.
There are times however, it does sort of matter and it is rather upsetting when I put in the effort to try and rectify a problem and it yields nothing but more frustration.

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