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Monday, April 30, 2012

My lazy days.....

I have them..... Lazy days. Hey, I can't be running around like a maniac all the time. There are some times when I need to stop and stare at the inside of my eyelids for a good solid three hours before I need to roll over and continue doing it..... Sure, I have a whole bunch of stuff that I have to get done, that I NEED to get done. Not necessarily pressing things or time sensitive things, but none the less, things that need to get done. I figure, I also need to get some vege time too. How affective and useful am I really going to be and how efficiently am I going to get things done if I'm fried?
I think people forget to stop and take a moment. I think they forget how important it can be sometimes. With the hustle and bustle of life going on at the speed of, well, life all the time, it seems such a waste that most people don't stop to appreciate things. Then before they know it, their lives have passed them by. My "lazy days" aren't always about just sitting around on my ass. I mean, sure, I'll be sitting around on my ass, but there is also a quiet reflection period going around inside my head as well as I re-evaluate things and weigh and measure things and sort out things in my mind as well as in my life. It's actually been quite helpful.
I get to take some time to see things clearly. Things I thought I had figured out, weren't and I can take the time to actually think things through some more. I can deal with all manner of things that require thought rather than action and it's quite a therapeutic process. It also helps me to be thankful for the things that I have as opposed to mourning that things that I don't. A quiet time for reflection.
I look back over my life and I can't believe how quickly it's gone by. I look to the future and I know that when I get there, I'll be looking back further and saying the same damn thing. I would hate to have to be looking back and saying to myself, "I really wish I would have taken more time out to SEE my life...."

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