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Friday, April 20, 2012

As the smile falters.......

Nothing frustrates me more than having to have to put on the happy happy face and fake smile through conversations with people I have no respect for and don't like too much. Business situations are the worst. Grrr....... I mean, you can't exactly say, "Dude, you're a fucking idiot. Shut the fuck up right now and go away!" to someone you're trying to sell a patent to... Unfortunately....
Even in a "social" environment. Your buddy shows up with another somebody that makes your neck hairs stand on end...
I mean in a "stranger" scenario, I might be polite, I might not be. That's a crap shoot. It's going to depend on my mood and which side of the bed I woke up on. It's also going to depend on the offense perpetrated onto me that will determine the intensity of my wrath. Lip curl and a low growl or nuclear (pronounced a la W Noo-Cyoo-Lurr) holocaust.... Blech... people.
But no matter the situation, there does come a time when the friendly facade starts to crumble, the smile falters a little bit and things start going south. It is then that, with a single "look", you can voice your displeasure, sum up your opinion, and physically display the "I've had enough of your bullshit!" Although I'm still working on mine, the sentiments are still correctly displayed. It may not stop a person in their tracks yet, but it does certainly convey the thoughts on my mind without my having to utter a single word. I mean, come on. I don't have to be a loud, potty mouthed bitch ALL the time. If I can get it done with a look, why should I have to. Most people aren't worth the effort for a good, solid rant anyway. I'm feeling this sudden urge to go out and practice it. I am hoping that in a few more years time, I will have perfected it. Wish me luck!

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