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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Uh... Never mind...

When you ask a stupid question, the answer might very well be fuckin' stupid... But what if you ask a reasonably intelligent question, you get an answer that merits the person doing the answering the dead pan "are you fuckin' retarded?" look. It's even better when not only is the answer about as intelligent as my dog, but is an out and out lie as well. What makes it REALLY fun is when the person doing the answering thinks that it's an intelligent answer AND believes that the fuckin' obvious lie is being bought by the ask-er of said question... Is it worth pursuing any further at this point? Wouldn't trying to argue with an obvious idiot in turn make you an idiot too? But on the other side of that, wouldn't the idiot take it as s sign of victory if you didn't pursue it. I mean it would be a very hollow and shallow victory. Where's the glory in winning an argument there? But then it wouldn't really matter to an idiot. <Sigh!> There really is no winning in that situation is there... Never mind. Forget I asked...

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