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Friday, December 10, 2010

Help? Stuck!

Ummm.... Stuck! A LOT! HELP... CALL 9-1-1...
Playing hide and seek with the children is the duty of all parents. Some are very NOT clever and will just "hide" by sitting behind the newspaper they're reading. Then there are those of us who are smarter... More clever... Or so we like to think...
I was playing hide and seek with the little one while her brothers were at school a while back. I had her count to ten, which is more like "Won, toooooo, feeeeee, fie, fie, sits, TEN! HURRAY!" and she'll come and find me. I usually hide behind a door and jump out and "Boo!" or hide behind a corner and jump out and "Boo!" or hide under something like a blanket and jump up and "Boo!" It would result in a giggle fit and her running around the house with me chasing her, catching her and thus would start the next round.
This time, I decided  to be clever and hide in the dryer. I squished in there and left the door ajar. She came around the first corner and did her standard "I fown you!", again around the next corner, and again around the third, into the kitchen, where the dryer sat with me in it. I scratched at the dryer door a little to get her attention. after a few seconds, she "I FOWN YOU!!!!! MAMA! I FOWN YOU!!!!!" and she giggled and ran away. In trying to climb back out of the dryer... I found that I couldn't.
"MAMA ARE YOU COMING? I FOWN YOU!" she said to me as I was struggling to unsquish myself and climb out of the dryer... Rolling around and trying to find the proper configuration to arrange myself in order to extricate myself from the dryer was proving rather difficult.
"MAMA! I FOWN YOU! YOU HAFTA GET ME!!!" she says, trying to remind me of the rules of the game...
Desperation is setting in and I'm actually starting to sweat... My mom hears the ruckus and decides to come downstairs from her martyr perch and she nearly fell over laughing. Thanks mom. Being the ever sadistic witch that she is, instead of helping me, she called my dad down to see too. My dad mumbled something about "stupid animal" and trudged back upstairs. It took me about ten minutes to get myself out of there and by the time I did, my daughter had gotten bored and had fallen asleep and was taking a nap.
The moral? I guess I shouldn't be trying to hide in the dryer no more and DON'T ever expect my mom to help me out of a tight spot EVER and playing hide and seek with a two year old can be quite dangerous.

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