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Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I don't like most strangers. I would sooner tell them to go away and not come back, EVER. Think about the world we live in for a second..... It's hard for me to grasp the concept of truly evil people. I'm not talking stealing candy from babies evil. I am talking baby touchers, murderers, rapists, Hitler, Kim Jung Il friggin' evil. I mean, are they born that way? Do they grow up that way? Are they made? Or is it when the mommy and the daddy do the hokey pokey and make babies something happens in the chemical make up when the cells meet... There are so many horrific things that people do to one another. Constant news reports about someone doing something to someone else that makes your skin crawl.
Some say it's in the astrological make up and the stars' and planets' alignments, other will claim it's genetics... Chemical imbalance, abuse, witness to something horrific, psychological disorder... Whatever. Whatever the case is, it's terrifying. When you look down into the face of a tiny squishy little baby, do you think to yourself, "That's the face of a serial killer right there!" or "Yeah, I can see this little one committing genocide! It'll be awesome!"  No. You think sunshine and rainbows and happy little unicorns prancing in the woods. But at some point in their lives, ALL of these sick psychopaths were tiny squishy little babies.
What if you were told, "We've seen this child's future and he/ she grows up to be the sickest kind of sociopathic, dog kicking, child abusing, mass murdering, baby touching, panda raping mother fucker on the face of the planet!" What happens then? I bring this up because at the rate things are going right now, many years from now, the government may well do the "baby screenings" to see whether a child is fit to be allowed to grow up. Improbable you say?
Just think about what's been going on over the last couple of decades, even over the last couple of years and how many things are being overrun with "bad politics" and being covered by amended laws to blanket and "protect" everyone. See where I'm going with this?
Is it because the people are getting worse that's why the world is changing or is the world changing the people... Hell in a hand basket... I'm just sayin'...

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