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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My skepticism....

I don't know that I hold too much faith in mankind. Humanity is lacking in the most important thing. Mankind is lacking in its humanity. We as a species are motivated by emotions which is considered a higher function, but the most prevalent of the emotions that we see as of late (just turn on the news or pick up the paper...) is anger. To top it all off, with people snapping left and right, there is also a general disinterest about the goings on in the world outside of the comforts of peoples "four walls" so to speak. 
Another "higher function" is that of being able to use reason and logic too. If it looks like it's a bad thing and it seems wrong, than more than likely, it is wrong. I've seen clips of people standing around watching a very young child (of about 5 or 6) getting beaten, kicked and having his fingers broken by a group of adults. (Of course, someone had the presence of mind to whip out their phone to video the whole incident....) How about the incidents  of people walking past an injured person, despite their cries for help. What the fuck is up with that? This world and a good percentage of its people are completely off their rockers and consider themselves to be "good people". 
Giving to a nameless faceless charity is fine. I've done it even though I never really have much to give. But that's not even the point. There are those who need it more than I do. I get that. But when the problems are right there on the doorstep, most people turn a completely blind eye or look down their noses or rack it up to it being "someone else's problem/ job" to take care of the problem. I stop and help in whatever capacity I can and I get told there's something wrong with me..... My response is always the same when I address them. "Forgive me for saying so, but here is a person in need of help, so I'm helping. You were walking away, ignoring this human being and callously dismissing the fact that they needed help and there's something wrong with me? You're sick!" 
What's wrong with me? "Good people" stand around watching or "ignoring" the things going on around them and doing nothing. Their inactions speak volumes about the type of people they are.  And yet there must be something wrong with me.
I know that there is a lot of karma restoration that I need to do over the rest of my life, but I know damn well that these supposed "good people" will have a lot more to have to answer for at the end of their journeys. The world is going to hell in a handbasket and mankind is allowing it to. It seems it's up to individuals to rise up against it and do something about it. I'm going to try my damnedest to be one. 

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