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Monday, January 16, 2012

Get over yourself...

I don't understand some people. They think they're so fucking clever and/ or creative and/ or artistic and/ or smart, when the reality proves quite the contrary. I've met these people, I've known people like this, I still know people like this..... It's sad. They try so hard and the attempts are pathetic really. What makes it even more sad is when they think you to be beneath them because they believe themselves to be so fucking clever and/ or creative and/ or artistic and/ or smart.
The best way to deal with people like this is to be yourself, step up your game and bring it. It's fun to hear, "I didn't know you knew how to <whatever>...." Whether it's drawing, cooking, playing whatever instrument, speaking a different language, coming up with solutions to problems, creating things.... It's fun to see the reaction when you know you can do it better and show it.
People tend to be so wrapped up in themselves and I think it comes from upbringing. When children have parents that are constantly telling them that they're perfect and they can do no wrong, when clearly they can and have, and then make excuses for them and how it couldn't possibly have been their fault, even though it was.... Well, think about it. Where's the challenge to try and be better when they were taught that mediocre was just fine. Then, these same people go out into the world thinking that they are the second coming bringing misery into the lives of everyone around them because they believe themselves to be perfect. Ugh....
There's really isn't a reason for anyone to go beyond what they are if they think what they are is fine. There isn't a need for these people to think differently, act differently, BE different and therefore, mediocre is fine. They are complacent in their mediocrity and therefore, they become close minded and just..... Blah. It's not to say they don't do things well. But it's "by the book", "by the numbers" and so plain jane that it lacks heart and spirit. It's just like every other. There's nothing special about it, there's nothing different about it.... And I think it's rather sad that THAT is okay with some people. It's even MORE sad to think that there are those who think that their mediocrity is exceptional, when in short, it's just exceptionally mediocre.
All fine well and good. I say, let them stay in their box. Leaves more room for those who are willing to go out and be more than mediocre anyway.

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