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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Parental undermining.....

The underminer... Every family has one. The parental underminer... The family member who knows best how to raise, deal with and handle children in the best way. They have all the answers and know everything there is to knew about raising children, what books to read, how to talk to them and everything. How their schedules should be set up, what they should be doing at any given time.
Sound annoying? It is my reality. I am still trying to define the lines where they don't get crossed or shouldn't get crossed. I go on about what I am doing and ignore the whining and complaining from the peanut gallery that consists of my mom and dad.
The walls have been built so that the children know, and the old people know what the rules of engagement are and that those rules will be followed. They are rules brought down from on high that were deemed to be "The ONES" that will rear my children until they become people of their own.
The first few months were rough a best. Screaming fits and threats, but once my parents calmed down, they gave up on deciding that they would be able to change my mind. The ideals that I have set forth for what I would like to see my children be are different from child to child as they are very different creatures from one another, but the rules for them are all the same and stay consistent.
Raising my children in this environment hasn't been ideal, but at least we have all settled into "roles" and with a few tweaks here and there, and things have been working out. I have a long way to go to make sure that my children become the very best of what they have the potential to become and for them to see that potential. Sure, I serve as the dork and all, but I believe one day they will see the method to my madness. Meanwhile, underminers beware. I'm fixing them to identify what they are and go with what they're supposed to be doing instead of what they shouldn't. They're good little monkeys and I have faith in the fact that they will grow up proud and strong. It's all good.

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