The older I get, it seems the more skeptical I get about many things. Call it "experience", call it "having made mistakes", call it whatever you will.... Chalk it up to the crappy people I've come across in my life or the "sounds too good to be true and I was right in that assumption" thing. Whatever the case, skepticism is something that grows like hair or fingernails and left untrimmed, it could become just as unsightly and hard to manage as unkempt hair or fingernails.
I believe only about a quarter of what I hear and a third of what I see. Just because I'm nodding my head, doesn't mean I'm agreeing with you. I'm nodding my head because I really don't want to hear any more and the only way to get you to shut up is to agree with you. Most people are unreliable, untrustworthy, malicious, selfish and mean. (Is that the skeptic in me?) I like animals much more than I like people.
I love spending time with kids simply because they aren't like that. Well, most aren't anyway... At a certain age, they do start to try the manipulations of adults, but they're easy to see as such. Regardless, it's fun being able to show kids that you could be a good person AND still be cool. Lead by example...
Help out when and where you can. Make it fun if you have to. Get things done when they need to be done. Grow a spine, stop whining, own up to your own mistakes and make apologies when you've done wrong. The world is full of spineless, cowardly, selfish, manipulative, crybaby pansies. No need to add to the overpopulated numbers of
that crowd.
It's great to know that I've surrounded myself with people who see my points of view on this. People who will grab hold and get me back on my feet when I falter when I get sucked into the black hole that those behaviors have become to those who have chosen the path of least resistance. Mindless drones. Sissies. Weaklings. I refuse to be one. My Puppy Guts has been a great source of strength and it seems that the "where I want to end up" is very much on the same lines as "where he wants to end up". It makes it all the easier when our goals are very much on the same lines. Though my skepticism makes me see the uglier side of people, I am thankful for the ones whom I've come to put a bit more faith in. Although I see myself as much more than a skeptic or a pessimist than a optimist or an idealist, I have my "happy places". I will question everything and not take it for face value. Whether it be about philosophy, science, religion, life... What can I say. It's who I am....