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Sunday, January 12, 2014

It's winter....

Yes, it's winter time in New England, and to NO ONE'S surprise, at least it really shouldn't be, it snows here. It's not shocking. It's fucking New England and it snows here. I mean, it would be newsworthy that it was snowing if I lived in, say, Bali, but I don't. It's New England. It snows here. I don't know why it becomes some huge ordeal to the people who live around here. I want to start grabbing these people by the shoulders and shake some sense into them. Newscasts about how it's going to snow. Tat we're going to get snow. OM FUCKING G! It's going to SNOW in NEW ENGLAND???!?!? What??!?!?!?

So, I went to the grocery store before a storm again.... You know. Because I haven't learned anything about my previous forays into the stores before a storm.... I got clobbered with bread (again) by some old guy. He even tried to run me over with his Hoveround too. Vehicular assault AND assault with a a breadly weapon.... This wasn't your leisurely drive by either people. This old guy meant business.... :C

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