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Saturday, January 18, 2014

I need to rethink things........

So, I was doing some thinking. I know. It's a dangerous pastime and I probably should have stopped doing it the second it started to happen..... I started listening to the noises and chatter that are constantly going on in my brain place and I caught a doozy of a conversation..... It almost made sense kind of, but well, not really, but it does. Well, it's me and my brain things we're talking about, so one cannot really be too certain, but here goes...

Well, considering that we calculate the measurement of a circle using pi or π or  \pi = \frac{C}{d} or whatever you want to call it..... Well, this calculation is  3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582..... and it keeps on going FOREVER........ Well.... how can math be math if, within simple geometry, we can't really define what a true circle is. I mean, there would never really be such a thing as a perfect circle, and even if it were possible, that ONE TRUE PERFECT CIRCLE does IN FACT exist, we wouldn't even be able to know that it was because we couldn't even measure it to see if it was because.... I don't even know.... I can't.... I just..... I think something in my wee little brain just ruptured. 

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