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Monday, May 21, 2012

So.... What do you DO?

I get asked a lot, "So, what do you do?" It's not as if I have a one word answer that sums up what I do.... It kind of goes into a long dissertation about the many facets of my life that have to get incorporated into my day to day that makes up the breakdown of my "workday".

I play the role of office slave for my dad and type and translate and answer the phone and reply to emails and research stuff and write stuff and read stuff and fetch this and deliver that and package this and do something with that.... The workload varies and it's never steady.

Then I have my own shit. The second book is coming along a lot more slowly that I had anticipated, I have my Ebay shit that I stay on top of, I have the many excursions into the dark unknown realms that are my mom's storage areas that I traverse through to liberate items to list on Ebay. There are ALWAYS household chores that need to get done and a geriatric and incontinent dog that constantly needs to be taken out for walkies.

I run errands for my mom from time to time. It involves driving around looking for a specific something that nobody makes any more. I really think she sends me on these wild goose chases because it amuses her to no end to see me frustrated and pulling out my hair. She IS a rather sadistic kind of bitch specializing in a specific kind of mental anguish and torture.

I'm also the mom of four kids so I play the role of chef, nurse, chauffer, maid, launderer, mediator, aide, mentor, personal shopper, referee, piggy bank, entertainer, camp councilor, drill sergeant, advocate, fixer of things broken, mender of things torn, squisher of bugs, mighty vanquisher of nightmares..... You get the idea.... Kids will keep you on your toes and the job is NEVER the same and changes from minute to minute, is never ending and you never know what's going to happen next and kids don't come with a child specific instruction manual. Talk about being multi personality!

No, I don't have a jobby job that keeps me somewhere for a set number of hours and pays me X amount of money that I collect at some weekly or bi-weekly time period, but NO ONE can tell me that I "don't work". I manage to keep a roof over my children's heads, keep them fed, healthy, happy and well taken care of despite the actions or inactions of certain individuals and my job is never done.

And for those who STILL insist that I don't DO anything, fuck yourself and have a nice day. At least I'm honest about what I actually DO and have nothing to hide.

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