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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Animals are more "human" than people.....

I've said it a gojillion times before, and I will keep on saying it. I pity any idiot who doesn't think that animals are capable of feeling emotions and using basic reasoning skills. There are countless stories about how animals have saved each other or something of another species or even people simply because..... There is something way beyond the simple explanation of "because it was a survival instinct" when it comes to animals showing "compassion" as it were. Anyone who has ever had and loved a pet has seen and experienced the different emotions that said pet experienced. Sulking, happy, sad, upset, mad, brooding.... And what pet owner hasn't felt that warmth of love from their pet? As humans, we could learn a thing or two from animals and what it means to truly love unconditionally, to be color blind and actually see other living things for what they are. I have trusted the judgement of my dogs' reactions of strangers and they've never been wrong. I've had pets show me more loyalty and love than most people in my life. And for people to say that animals lack the higher functions like emotions and compassion? To say that they work on just a survival instinct?
Let's break this down..... We, as humans, kill and rape and steal and murder each other, we destroy things, we waste, we pollute, we abuse, we destroy, we waste, we judge, we are all around self centered and nasty..... There are those people who do all this shit for sport. People are selfish, self centered, uncaring about people and the world around them. Most wouldn't know how to survive outside of the pampered lives that they were raised in. They care not for the world they live in, they will turn a blind eye to everything going on outside of themselves and callously go on about their lives and not give a shit about anything or anyone outside of their own four walls.....
Kind of makes me wonder who the "animals" really are......

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