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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mr. Bitey.....

So, the most random thing occurred the other day..... I was out walking our geriatric dog in the rain when I saw a small white thing doing circles in the road. At first I though it may have been a piece of paper blowing around in the wind. As I got closer, I saw that it was not a piece of paper though. It was a parakeet.

Now, I know that parakeets are not exactly native to Southern New England. I mean, you don't see too many of these things just randomly walking around and stuff.... So I decided that I was going to walk up to the little guy and see if he needed some rescuing. If he flew off, I wasn't going to go actively chasing after him in the rain, but on the other hand, if he didn't fly away, I wasn't going to leave him out there before I at least TRIED to see if he was going to let me help him. I got the dog back under the awning and went back onto the street . The little guy was soaked through and trembling. It was one of those cold, rainy New England mornings.... He was not happy, but he didn't put up too much of a fight when I bent down and picked him up. I think he seemed almost grateful when I took him inside.

 I got him dried off and settled him into a plastic box with holes punched into the lid. I had lined the box with some paper towels, clipped his wing feathers and put the box on top of a warm heating pad. I picked up some bird food at the grocery store and placed a bowl of food and water into the box. He went to town right away.

My daughter, having watched the whole thing from when I brought him in, decided his name was Mr. Bitey. It's not that the bird was particularly nasty and bit a lot, but she decided his name was Mr. Bitey and it stuck. Fine. Mr. Bitey. Today was your lucky day. If I hadn't been out there walking the dog, you probably would have been a stain on the road or just a bird-sicle that eventually would have floated down to the gutters....

I was hoping to see some fliers or something about a missing bird, and we could reunite this little guy with his "family", but no such luck. I guess no one missed him enough or thought he was worth the effort. So now, I was stuck with this bird. Now the problem with this is that my parents hate animals and I knew I wasn't going to be allowed to keep this little guy for too long. So, OFF TO THE INTERWEBZ! (Facebook DOES come in handy! See?)

I put up a picture of Mr. Bitey and his sad little story.... He stayed with us for about three days and of course, my kids got totally attached to Mr. Bitey and were sad to see him go, but a FB friend said that she had the perfect home for him and as soon as he came into our lives, POOF he was gone again.

I'm glad to know that our little friend has gotten himself a nice home with a family that loves him. How random an occurrence. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time and was able to rescue this sweet little guy from freezing to death or getting squished by a car that would have inevitably run him over. :sigh: That was just cool.

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