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Thursday, January 27, 2011


"Quit hittin' yourself..." or variations thereof... I get to witness something along those lines like all the friggin' time. With three boys and a girl, I get that there are going to be sibling spats and stuff. I get that they are going to tease and taunt each other and fight and torture and abuse the ever lovin' snot out of each other.
I grew up with an older sister. She was the most sadistic bitch on the face of the planet. At eleven years older than me, she had the upper hand for quite a while. I was the subject of many "science experiments" and ridicule and torture and torment for a good portion of my young life. Her idea of playing a game with me was, "I'm gonna hit you with these objects here and you're going to tell me if it hurts or not..."
The feather and the pillow were okay. So were the teddy bear and the socks. It was when we got to the rocks and the claw hammer...
My kids, for the most part, get along well and when they aren't fighting, they spend very quality time together doing whatever, whether it's sitting and watching a movie, playing outside, playing a board game, doing arts and crafts, building a fort. And some of the time, they'll camp out together and sleep in a pile on the floor like a litter of kittens... You get the idea. It's really cool. Sure they have their moments, but I suppose in the grand scheme of things, it could be a lot worse...

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