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Friday, January 14, 2011

Don't laugh...

No... Don't.... Laugh.... Must... NOT..... LAUGH.....
I have issues with that sometimes. I KNOW that there are certain things that I shouldn't be laughing at and I do try. There are certain situations when I shouldn't laugh, but what can I say?  I find humor in the oddest places and let's just say sometimes I laugh when it's a bit... Inappropriate.
Sometimes it gets triggered by something that I saw. I once saw a lady take a pretty good digger in a parking lot. She was a rather large, hefty woman. She ended up rolling around like a pill bug and and in trying to reorient herself, she looked like a turtle on its back. She scraped up her knee pretty good, but she didn't really get hurt. I asked her if she was okay, and she said she was fine... Granted I was chuckling when I asked...
It could be something that I heard that triggers the inappropriate laughter. When in an elevator, A man and a woman were talking about a rather harrowing experience the man had about his mother ending up in the hospital after a bad heart attack. That wasn't he part I was laughing about. He said something about running around like a chicken with it's head cut off... Something about the image of a headless chicken running around.... I couldn't get out of that elevator fast enough.
I have episodes when I'm not even paying attention. I might have a random thought pop into my head that I find quite amusing and sometimes, I might start to laugh... But because it's me, it will be at the most inopportune time... Like at a funeral or something.
As much as I'd like to able to say, "It's not me!" it is. Oh well... Chalk it up to another quirk I guess... It's one I'm trying to work on, but I don't have too much faith that this one is something I'm going to be able to change...

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