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Saturday, October 25, 2014

Super powers.....

I really don't give a shit who the hell you think you are or what the hell you do now, but there came a point in your life where you tried to see if you had super powers of some kind or another. Some imaginary something or another or an inkling or a hope or a thought or a belief or something that triggered this need to find out whether you were capable of some kind of super power..... On some level, all of mankind is all the same.... Just like empty Christmas wrapping paper tube. It's a sword.  It's universal. There are some very universal truths. Beyond any of that though it all just goes to hell, doesn't it.... Shame about human nature. It makes us all pretty shitty. Between ego, one's own beliefs, a sense of some type of entitlement, self serving, selfish, self centered blah blah blah..... Throw in government, religion, race and a healthy dose of fearing change and differences and poof! The sum of what human nature has become. I wondered quite often where it was that we went wrong, but quite honestly, the only real opinion I can come up with is that this failed experiment that we call humanity is just a funny joke. It's not to say that there haven't been outstanding people among us. But if you think, on the whole, we have war and strife and hunger and suffering. We have murder and rape and child abuse and animal cruelty. We are killing ourselves, killing each other, killing our environment, killing our planet.... And what of it? We fight to have just our own individual voices heard and it ultimately means nothing because quite simply put, the selfishly motivated bullshit spewing out of one person's mouth is nothing different than what's spewing out of another. The self serving agendas are just different.
I wish for a time when things were simple and I wasn't so jaded and the world still held hope and was full of awesomeness. And as much as I try to stay away from the mainstream media, (which is all slanted and skewed to meet someone's agenda anyway) what's going on in the world seems to trickle into mine and no matter what filters I put up to try and get a break from what's going on, I still come to find what's going on in the world and it's depressing.
The one super power I really wish I had was to be able to stop time. Maybe have it keep going for a few selected people, but otherwise, just stop. Surely, it would continue on after I died and the world can go on back about its business heading towards wherever it is its going and done. Ya know?
Something huge is coming and it don't look good.....

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