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Sunday, July 31, 2011


I know that violence doesn't solve EVERYTHING. It solves a few things, and it can't really be considered violence if you think about it.... Follow here... I am a big supporter for the death penalty. Probably more so than your average American. I think of it this way. Murderers? Death. Rapists? Death. Child molesters? Death. You get the idea. Fine... Go through the trial thingy if it makes you feel better, but in all honesty? How well did it work out for say... Caylee Anthony? Was justice really served? No. Did Caylee get justice and find peace? No. That baby killing bitch Casey should have fried. Slowly....And painfully, while gagging on her own bile. Nicole Brown Simpson? She will now be the butt of every Pez dispenser joke ever and her killer is free and laughing at those jokes. Awesome, isn't it?
Why is it that criminals who have broken laws, some of them rather in a heinous manner, have more rights than your regular law abiding citizen. Then to top it off, if caught, tried, found guilty and sent to prison, they are given a roof over their heads, three meals a day, access to work, education, "rehabilitation", free medical, dental... Care above and beyond what most of those scumbags deserve. And then guess what... As law abiding citizens, we pay for all of that for them. (We also do that for illegal immigrants and whatnot, as they get free food, free housing, free money, free education, free health care and just about everything else handed to them, but that's a whole different rant that I shall save for a different time....) We would save a whole lot of time, energy, money and aggravation with a simple bullet to the head for these fuckers. No, they do not deserve our sympathy, our empathy, our pity nor our mercy. None of this soft handed, namby pamby, whiny baby shit about "the death penalty is cruel..." crap.
If we were to handle criminals with the proper bitch slap ranging from a good ol' fashioned debilitating beat down to two doses 230 grains of lead delivered to the cranium at 850ft per second. Done. People might reconsider the life of crime and perhaps not partake. AND the more serious offenders wouldn't be able to become repeat offenders now would they? If you have a defense attorney who wants to claim that it was some kind of sickness that made the asshole do it, well then, what better cure than death? Case closed. Done. The end. Justice served. There wouldn't be an overcrowded prison problem, we wouldn't be shelling out tons of money to take care of these assholes and there would be less scumbags in the world breathing my air. Not politically correct? Pfft! F*ck you!
A scumbag is a scumbag is a scumbag is a scumbag. They should not be treated with kid gloves. They should be treated accordingly. They should be treated as the scumbags that they are. The world needs a culling of the population. Why not start at the bottom of the barrel. Just sayin'....

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