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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Zip Lining!

It may or may not be common knowledge, but I don't like heights too much. Well, maybe it's not so much the height thing, but the rapid deceleration after potentially falling from said height. Whatever the case....
So on our vacation, we went zip lining. (HUH??!??) I know. You would think that someone who is uncomfortable with heights would do everything to avoid being up so freaking high, right? Uh-uh. Not THIS girl. Since our deep sea fishing trip got nixed for the second day in a row, Lucky and I decided that instead of calling the whole day a wash, we would try something exciting, new, fun and different. (Besides, it was still only 7AM...) We shot up about half hour to forty-five minutes on the highway and flabammo! We get to our destination. Of course we were about two hours early for our time slot, so we got some lunch at a cute little local diner and got in some freshwater fishing in a lake nearby. It was a lesson in futility really and all we did was feed the fish the worms that we had dug up.... And I got bit by a horsefly and came away with a pretty neat looking bruise about the size of my hand on the back of my leg.
Our allotted time was rolling around, so we packed it up and headed to the place. Now... I have to tell you... Waiting around for two hours KNOWING full damn well that you were going to do something involving something you're not quite comfortable with, gets a mind going. But I quickly came to one single conclusion. I was either going to have a really great time or I was going to be THAT guy who was the wet blanket, ruining everyone elses' day. I opted for the first. My fear of heights wasn't going to stop me and with Puppy Guts by my side telling me that I was going to be just fine, I had no fears. No chastising, no teasing, no laughing, no joking, he was thoroughly supportive and so sweet about it!
So we went through the spiel with the tour guides, get all dudded up in our helmets and gear and we take our first picture as a group. I have to tell you, there were a couple of people there who were MORE fearful of the heights thing than myself, so I KNEW Puppy Guts and I had to step up our game and make sure that we brought the good time with us. You get a group where there's one "fun person", everyone has a great time. Get a group with TWO "fun people" and it's a party waiting to happen! We were bound and determined to be the "fun people" in the group and Puppy Guts and I were ready to bring it.It was on like Donkey Kong!
We approached the ladder to get up to the first perch and the guide asked "Who's going first?" No one stepped up, so I elbowed my way to the front, "YAY! ME!!!!!!" -ed and started up the ladder like I had done it a hundred times. Got up top (ten feet or so) no big deal. At this point, I had set the bar and I had to live up to the  "Oh... She's THAT gal!" It was balls out all the way or nothing. A prideful "THAT'S my girl!" from my Puppy Guts and a big broad smile from him made me feel great.
The guide did her thing, clippity clip with the thing and I let her loose! LATER!
What a friggin' HOOT! After that, the rest of the group came one at a time until we got to a lady who was terrified. So, I said, "Come on guys!" to the group and started to cheer for the woman to come on over... Bless her, she took that leap of faith and zipped on over as we all cheered for her... Yeah... It was on! This was going to be a fun time for everyone even if it was going to take every bit of energy I had to quell the fear (which strangely, I really didn't feel... Go figure!) and MAKE it fun! Party in the treetops baby! We went across rope bridges OR a cargo net and then a tight rope about 50 feet up and it was awesome. Strangely, I wasn't scared at all. I was having a blast! I was given the nickname "Jungle Jane" so now I REALLY had to show I had earned it... But I didn't feel pressure from anywhere or anyone. I was having too good a time! Puppy Guts joked and kept the mood light, I went totally balls out and "fearlessly" paved the way. It worked out great! (My plan was working! Mwa ha ha ha ha!)
At one point we were about 70 feet up from the ground. Looking down didn't seem so bad to me. I actually stood on the edge of the perch and peered over the edge. It was beautiful! ("Hey look! A chipmunk! ...Yeah, sorry.... A.D.D." got a round of chuckles) I couldn't believe the view! It was fantastic! We were in the shade, there was a nice breeze (although it was hot as hell that day) I was having the time of my life! Puppy Guts knew I had a few reservations about this whole deal, but his quiet encouragement and full on support made it so easy. He didn't give me any more reason to feed my phobia and made me feel comfortable just by being there, smiling down all the warmth in his heart and quietly letting me know how proud he was of me. My backup for me as well as backup as I played the role of "YAY! She's FUN!" girl.
Two hours we spent up in the trees zipping and crossing and by the end of our "tour" our group was probably ready to pick a fight with some mama grizzly bears and call Mike Tyson's mom a fat, ugly broad. We were all feeling it. Accomplishment. All in our own way, of course, but I can't describe it as anything but a feeling of accomplishment. Whether it was getting over a fear, feeling the exhilarated rush of adrenaline or getting through a physically, emotionally and mentally taxing adventure, it was there. It's rather hard to describe really, but it felt good... No, it felt AWESOME. Taking a chance and conquering a fear, taking (quite literally) a leap of faith and stepping off a platform 60 or 70 feet from the ground and doing something that most wouldn't even consider. I pity those who won't step out of their own comfort zones to experience life somewhere outside of their "norm". Life is short and it will only be what you make of it.
Our vacation "list of things to do" wasn't very long, but zip lining was on it and it was done. It was done well. And it felt GREAT. THAT was one of the "things to do" on the list that we were both glad we accomplished. ...And we're ready to do it again soon! WOOT! BRING IT!

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