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Tuesday, July 5, 2011


It's funny to me that I thought myself such an antisocial and solitary creature... Lucky and I had a discussion about this some time back and I gave it some thought and an introspective look inside myself... It's really isn't that I'm solitary or antisocial per se. I don't necessarily like people, but I don't have problems striking up a conversation with people or making friends. Yes, there are times when I like to be by myself to do whatever, but it's not to say that I don't enjoy the company of others. I suppose it really depends on the environment that I'm in, who it is that I am amidst and the reasons for my being there. In a situation where I feel repressed and am not allowed to be myself, I get pissy, sulk and become antisocial. When I'm just me... Not so much. If I'm surrounded by people that I really couldn't care too much about, I am moody, sarcastic and rather abrasive. Among people who are comfortable being themselves, I'm okay.
So guess what? Yeah... I gave this one some thought too. Maybe it's not so much ME being antisocial. I am what I am, who I am, yada yada... My belief is, it's those who put up the false pretenses and basically have to lie about who and what they are, whether it's playing the role of the victim or the martyr or the saint (when really? Pfft!), the ones who feel the need to put others down or ruin things for others out of spite, just to make themselves feel better (some sick way to entertain themselves and giggle), or how about taking delight in other peoples sorrows and misery or wishing sorrows and misery on someone... Not exactly "social" behavior. Not the sort of people I would want to seek out and be friends with and honestly? It would make any normal, rational- thinking person not want to be anything less than discourteous around persons of that nature. (Though, I've also noticed that that type of bird tend to "flock together"...) True antisocial bullies...
You know what? I'll not think myself solitary but exceptional and unique. And not antisocial but "selective" about the type of people I associate myself with seeking out a certain quality of character. Yeah... I like that. I like that a lot....

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