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Saturday, July 9, 2011

"Date night"...

Our less than conventional dates have always lead us to some very interesting places. We've rabble roused at various shopping centers, malls and department stores, we've toured around various parks, we've made numerous interesting friends like skaters, cops, random folks whom we thought were interesting, we've discovered many new things, we've been to a shooting range, we've experienced life and discovered new things about stuff we didn't know about as well as stuff we didn't know about each other. Every time we have the precious few days where we are able to spend time together and go out and do something, it has been quite an adventure. I'm not talking harrowing Indiana Jones type shit, it's just "discovering new things with each other" type stuff. I never realized how much stuff I didn't know about the town that I lived in. All the little nuances that make it so unique. It's a town like any other, don't get me wrong. I am talking about the little things that makes it unique that most may not know about. Follow here.
I suppose there are many things that make every town unique in its own right. NO two towns are EXACTLY the same. Some have a "claim to fame" thing while others... Not so much. It may just be something else. Lucky and I have discovered a thing or two about the PEOPLE that make "my town" unique. Not a claim to fame thing, not a certain something that most would say "WOW! That's so cool..." just a certain subtlety that may not distinctly qualify the town as "unique", but certainly does give it a certain flair. We've come to know a few people around town and it's cool. They see us coming and sometimes, I can almost HEAR the theme song. Granted it's probably something along the lines of the Romper Room theme song or like Pop Goes the Weasel or something, but still.... THE best dates.

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