Custom Search

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Internet...

Traversing the internet is always... Interesting. You never know what you're going to find. I mean seriously. You can type in the most random combination of words and in .09 seconds, a gojillion pages pop up  relating to the words you typed in.
I have learned quite a bit about a lot of different things. I have come across recipes, learned about different cultures, seen pictures of places that I may never be able to get to in my lifetime. I have found friends that I had lost touch with, I have found hard to come by items that you wouldn't necessarily find anywhere else. It's quite the great little tool. The world does seems a little bit smaller when it can be right there at your fingertips... An hour of your time and it's the poor man's vacation really... Fruity drink in one hand, flip flops on your feet and a goofy shirt and hat and surfing through websites about the Bahamas. Culture, food, pictures of pretty beaches... Might as well have fun with it...
But beware... There is stuff out there that will make you regret ever being born too... I mean sick, twisted shit that makes you want to gouge out your own eyes, and make you want to perform a lobotomy on yourself with a red hot poker and a claw hammer, just to erase the images that burn themselves into your mind... Harmless searches like Google-ing "cookie recipe" and you can hit the jackpot with some pretty weird shit. Cookie recipe on Google, 15-20 pages in, and things start getting less then cookie recipe like. I came across one and in the desciption was listed "chocolate chip, oatmeal, oatmeal raisin, rum, white chocolate macadamia, almond..." It listed a bunch of different kinds of cookies and qualified it with, "Best recipes ever! Award winning!" So I clicked on it...
Let's just say, what was seen can never be unseen...

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