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Thursday, February 17, 2011

And I though I was an idiot...

There are times when I question my own intelligence... I've done stupid things and thought back on the moment and said, "Wow! THAT was stupid!" But then there are times when I come across people that make me look like a super genius. I mean Ultimate Super Villain type super genius.
Rich, poor, cultured, uncultured, good, bad, well educated, or not... Stupidity is something that does not discriminate. Hey! Just take a look at the government officials that we have in office all across the country or stop by your local grocery store... Idiots can be anywhere.
Now, this is probably something that I give way too much thought to... (No! Not you Mia! You don't ever do that!) Yeah, yeah I do. I know that there is a certain type of hopeless futility in trying to reason out WHY people are so fuckin' stupid. There is also a certain sinking feeling that comes with the realization that these morons are everywhere. If I just stuck to finding amusement in watching the stupidity occur, I might be okay. If I gave no thought to anything other than watching, thinking, "Ha ha! That was funny!", pointed and laughed and went about my merry little way, I wouldn't be half as frustrated about the amount of stupidity in the world. Yeah... Still working on the whole "I can change myself for the better, not everyone else" thing and learning to set the proper example instead of being claimed by the stupidity that people tend to get sucked up into. I have enough on my plate and there's plenty of room in the garbage heap to scrape the unnecessary bits off of my plate to make room for the positives that I am striving for. Although I don't think I'll ever be able to NOT find amusement in the stupidity of others and the stupid things that they do. It's a thing with me...

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