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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Role Models....

When we think "role modes" the standard answers are usually people like Mother Teresa, Gandhi, Michael Jordan, Princess Diana... I mean, I'm sure that for every one person, there would be a list of many "inspirational people" and every one would be different depending on who you asked... Right? A lot of names are going to pop up, I'm sure. Grand scale, worldwide, in general.
Now think locally. Within your local community.... This is something that I gave some thought to simply because I've put myself out there in a way that made me a wee bit more visible to other people then just people who recognize me as someone they've run into or met or know me on a more personal level through daily interactions. Why? I don't know. I just think about a lot of things.
So, I asked myself a question and had a rather intellectually stimulating (as intellectual as I can be, mind you...)with myself. Would I consider myself to be a role model.... I thought about this. I am crude, abrasive, opinionated, have a potty mouth and at times I am combative, argumentative, insulting, stubborn and downright insufferable. Does that make me a bad person?
Now, let's break down the aspects of what it is that makes a role model a role model... A role model is one who inspires others to be better people. Ones who show by example what it is to be a better person. Who gives of themselves to be exemplary. A person looked to by others as an example to be imitated. A person whose example is or can be emulated by others, especially by younger people. An individual who is looked up to and revered by someone else. A role model is someone who others aspire to be like, either in the present or in the future.
With that being said, with all the things that I am (mentioned above, among others I'm sure... I suppose it's going to depend on who you ask...) Am I a role model? Maybe not so much in the conventional way. Yeah... Maybe I shouldn't cuss so much and be so argumentative. But as far as someone to be emulated? Well, I get things done when they need to get done, I actively take part in the raising of my children, I make sure that my responsibilities are all met, I've accomplished goals, I go out of my way to help out friends and sometimes "not so friends", I try to be a good person, I give time, money or efforts to those who I believe to be in greater need than myself, I've done things that some couldn't even begin to imagine. I've seen things, experienced things, lived things, been part of things that most couldn't claim even a part of. I volunteer when I'm asked, I volunteer when I'm not asked. I don't go out of my way to willfully try to hurt people, I apologize when I am wrong, and I make sure and am making sure that my life is not filled with regrets. I will never be a "bystander" when I see someone or something in need. I go out and do.
 I don't ever want my kids or anyone's kids for that matter to come to me and say, "When I grow up, I want to be just like you!" They'll all get the same answer every time. "Don't grow up to be like me. Grow up to be the best YOU that you can be!" I may not be the standard by which all role models should be measured. Certainly not.  But you can bet for damn sure, I won't be showing the ways of being cowardly, selfish, cruel, irresponsible, regretful and downright awful. Nope. Lead by example to be moral, strong, proud, and unafraid to go out there and do.

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