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Sunday, June 19, 2011

...And I will taunt you again...

It's funny to watch my kids go at it. At first they're playing nice and they're the best of friends. I'm really not too sure WHEN it happens, but at some point, it begins. The verbal digs that turn into to verbal smackdowns, and all of a sudden, they're insulting each other's intelligence and back and forth with the "your mama" put downs. (I see the humor in that, yes...)
Sure, after a while I have to go in and bark at them and they stop... For a few minutes until it becomes clear that I have to separate them. Whatever. It happens. And for the sake of maintaining order and peace, separating them for a little while does everyone a whole bunch of good.
Some time later, they will converge and start playing with each other again. Thick as thieves and having a grand ol' time. You would think that they ALWAYS got along that well. (I can tell you from PERSONAL experience, THEY DON'T!) Laughing and playing like they would never again be able to play and have that much fun again... It's awesome! That is until.... I don't know why, but they always go back to taunting and teasing each other and the whole process starts all over again. It's almost as if they enjoy doing it because it's constantly happening. <Sigh!> I guess that's part of the joys of having siblings close in age....

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