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Saturday, February 11, 2012

What the fuck is the deal with internet arguments??!??

What the fuck is the deal with internet arguments? Heated debates with nameless/ faceless people that get totally out of control..... And of course, there are times that I totally get sucked into them and find myself getting equally revved up over whatever issue we're debating/ arguing about. Then when I get fed up and walk away, I wonder what the fuck it was that got me so heated up to begin with.

Some of the ones that get me are the religion arguments, law enforcement basher posts and random misinformed stupidity that turns viral because sheep repost thinking it sounds good, when in fact, they have no idea what they're supporting or even talking about because of the half cocked natures in which they jump on board with a random and stupid idea. I try to be as non biased as possible and try to base my arguments on facts rather than emotions and rationale instead of my feelings about what's being debated about. What I hate is posing a logical question about a person beliefs or the stand they took and it getting deflected and avoided all together. I love posing the same question over and over on the same thread and having people see how often the question gets deflected too..... It sort of stands to prove my point and makes the opposing argument look rather weak when I can lay out facts and logical explanation rather than the standard, "BECAUSE I SAID SO!"

So off I go to cause some trouble somewhere and watch the sparks fly while I enjoy a nice cup of coffee. This ought to be a hoot!

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