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Monday, February 27, 2012

Negative people.....

My parents are probably the worst people, that, at the moment, I have to put up with in my life. They are negative and terrible and constantly berate and annoy me to the utmost extreme.

(Oh, but Mia.... They can't be that bad! They're your parents! They love you and want to do what's best for you!)

Well, when your father's nickname for you is "stupid worthless animal" and you are told on a daily basis that you would be doing the world a favor by dying and your mother says and does nothing to stop the behavior, and instead enables and even encourages it by making excuses for the ornery old git and throws in a jab or two herself JUST to get the cranky bastard onto another tirade of insults? I am thinking that the relationship there is not a healthy one and staying away from that would be wise and best for saving your sanity.

I spent far too long inside a box being told that what I did, who I was, what I was trying to do was never good enough, not enough, and that it was all doomed to fail. In looking back and having stopped listening to those people, I have seen that I have come a long way, having accomplished much in my own special way and that I am worth a lot more than what these people treated me or continue to treat me like.
Brick by brick, I've let issues go and stone by stone, I've started to let go of the people in my life who I know are holding me back. I let go of the grudges, I let go of the anger, I let go of the hate and then I am able to let go of the person all together. The processes are slow going, and sometimes it can be quite emotional, but in the end, it's quite liberating. So I keep moving forward.

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