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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Dearest Puppy Guts,
Happy Valentine's day to you! I wish I had the words to express to you just how much you mean to me. How much you've made such a difference in my life for the better. How comfortable I am in telling you everything and sharing intimate details of my life past, present, and future. How much I cherish the time we spend together and knowing full well how much I am missed when we are apart.
I love the way you lift my spirits when I am feeling down, how just the sound of your voice makes me feel like I'm home safe, how much laughing with you can be such an uplifting experience. The way you know just what to say or how the way you look at me can mean so much more than words alone could convey at some times. The way that one look speaks volumes and means so much more than the words that could be spoken in that moment could mean. The way you know just when to say the words and know just when not to.
When I'm with you, it feels like all is right in the world and everything in the universe is right where it's supposed to be and the way you make me feel like I'm right where I'm supposed to be.  I love those moments when regardless of what's going on around us, there's that brief fleeting moment when it's just you and I alone in the universe and I have peace. I feel like it is something of a gift every time you tell me you love me. The things we have, the things we do, the things we share, the things we hope, dream and are working to achieve. I can't imagine having anyone else at my side as we move forward. It's an amazing feeling not to have to think, "This is it??!?? This is the best I'm going to get?" when clearly, you give me all and every day gets better and better.
I can only hope that I will be able to show you in this lifetime that you are all these things to me and so much more. I know that I'm the one who calls you "Lucky", but somehow I think that I'm the lucky one.
I love you with everything that I am, with every fiber of my being. Thank you for being mine. Thank you for being you. Thank you for loving me being me. You mean the world to me. Always.... XOXOX

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