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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Our Thai Place...

We don't get out to eat much simply because we don't have time. With our schedules being what they are, Lucky and I are "meals at home" type people. When it is that we do have a quiet night and we get to go out to eat, this is where we end up. I can sum it up in one word.  YUMMY!
I don't think we've ever gone in there and thought, "The food was... Off today..." or thought "Meh, it was okay...". It was consistently yummy every time! Veggies cooked to perfection and not all limo and soggy, yummy goodness abound with every plateful of deliciousness... There has never been anything that we've eaten that we didn't like.
Do we have out favorites? Of course! My meal of choice always starts with a Thai iced tea and spring rolls. Then it's either the spicy garlic shrimp (which is ALWAYS MORE awesome the next day) or the beef basil. Tastiness abound! The clouds part, the angels sing, and God's light shines down from the heavens... It's yummy.
So here's the deal-e. If your in my neck of the woods, in CT and you like-a the Thai food, go... I promise. Your tummy will be all, "You rock out loud! That was the SCHIZZ!"

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