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Saturday, April 2, 2011


In going to the grocery store the other day, I saw the stupidity of a man who's "idiot" was spot on. I've been feeling less than 100% this last week. Between trying to fight off a cold, an abscessed tooth that kicked my ass, the meds to take care of said abscessed tooth and the day to day insanity, I will admit... This week, I am beat.
So I get to the grocery store, my nose is running, my face is still kind of puffy and red, I look a mess, I feel like crap and I have the nasally, stuffed up nose, whiny three year old tone to my voice. It's awesome.
Going across the parking lot, I came across a male individual who thought it would be a nice idea to hit on me... By making kissy noises, referring to me as "Hey, baby!" and describing the things he would like to do to me to "rock my world" and making lewd gestures. My response? I laughed. Hysterically. I mean pointing and laughing and howling. It felt great. I even thanked the guy for giving me the laugh because I had such a crappy week. He walked away quickly and quietly, without another word.
Why is it that some men feel the need to do stuff like that... Seriously... What was I really supposed to do? Swoon? I don't fuckin' think so. Has it ever worked? I would really hate to think that there are women out there who would be all over that and get all giggly and stupid and consider breeding with such losers.... But then...
The world is getting worse all the time and it seems to me that there is a HUGE need for a culling of the population. Politically incorrect to say? Perhaps. On the other side of that, I'm not exactly the most "politically correct" person on the planet either.... Just sayin'....

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