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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Summer's here....

Yup! Well into the swing of the summertime. It's hot and humid, but that doesn't stop some people from going out and doing summertime stuff. Enter my complaint about this.....

What is the deal with some of these morbidly obese people, walking around in barely there clothes that leaves little to the imagination or in some cases, no clothes at all that just makes it all too real? Unclothed or somewhat clothed, believe me when I say, even if these people were wearing a tent, I wouldn't want to imagine anything. The only thing I want to imagine is them on a different continent, or at least the very least, not in my line of sight. Cheese and crawl! What makes these people think that it's okay to go out in public looking like that? Honestly? As much as I hear that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all, (and believe me, I get it! I am a funny looking woman and yet my Puppy Guts thinks I'm BEAUTIFUL.... I don't ever want him to get his eyes checked.... EVER...) but, WHAT THE FUCK!

Obesity is a sickness. Not just of the body, but of the mind. For one to be in such denial about it and think, "It's not that bad..." or say things like, "but I'm in perfect health..." or blame it on genetics or a "hormonal imbalance" or being "big-boned" or "I've been trying, but..." while stuffing their fat gobs full of crap that they shouldn't be eating... Really? That is a sickness of the mind. It's wrong and it is disgusting. Shoving down a whole shitload of crap and washing it down with a diet soda (which is also VERY disgusting....) does not a healthy diet make either!

The unfortunate thing is that this plague of obesity is becoming far too commonplace. It's fucking EVERYWHERE! It's really no wonder fat people think it's okay to be fat when there are SO many varying degrees of fat to choose from these days. When "fat" is the norm, it's difficult to see that being "not as fat" still isn't healthy. It's just a lesser degree of being fat and people just don't understand that. Instead of seeking out and going for "healthy" they are just seeking out lesser degrees of being fat. How is that supposed to be okay? Because it's not.

Then, these people hand down this cockamamie bullshit idea that "healthy" isn't normal or is ridiculous or impossible and that being the lesser degrees of being fat is okay. No wonder there are more fat kids running around these days! What the fuck is going on? This is another example of the human race slipping down that downward spiral into hell..... DID WE NOT SEE THE MOVIE, "WALL-E"??!?? That's where the fuck we're headed people!

We need to start making being healthy and fit "normal". Start getting up off our asses and wanting it for ourselves. We need to stop making excuses about not doing it. In such an instant gratification world that we live in, I realize that "right now, right now, right now!" is something that everyone wants, and unfortunately, they feel that way about their food as well. Microwave gourmets and heat-it-up chefs are SO abundant and cooking from scratch is scoffed... We have FOOD PORN CHANNELS that teach us how to easily make nommy food from scratch. Healthier alternatives to the crap you stick into the microwave! Sure, it's not a two minute easy fix, but isn't worth the time to spend thirty minutes for a step towards a healthier lifestyle?

People need to take responsibility of their own health and wellbeing. Healthy diet, exercise and working towards being fit instead of being happy with a lesser degree of being fat. It's really not a matter of making excuses and saying, "Well, I'm busy and don't have time to devote becoming a gym rat..." Think about how many hours you sit in front of the tv on your ass... Couldn't that time be better spent going for a walk or actually making something healthy to eat? Small steps like that really DO make a difference! It doesn't have to be a giant and complete lifestyle change, but a small step in the right direction can make a world of difference!

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