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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Morbid fascination.....

I'm not sure what it is about car wrecks and news stories about death (the gorier and messy the better) and the detailed reports of some kind of horrendous crime that people find so fascinating... I mean, come on. You can't tell me that you haven't slowed down to see a car wreck that happened on the other side of the highway and all the first responders are running around and trying to save the occupants from the car or cars involved in said accident. You can't tell me that you've never gotten engrossed in a news story because of something grisly that happened caught your attention.... Time stood still when they announced the OJ Simpson verdict, didn't it? We heard all the gory details about what that piece of shit did to those two people... (COME ON! Nobody thought that he was innocent. Puh-leeeease!) Everyone became enthralled with the whole story.

People have this innate fascination with morbid shit like that. Maybe it's a, "Wow! Well, I'm glad that wasn't me! That must suck for THAT person!" thing or what, but people are drawn to the morbid. A good portion of the time, I think people forget that the victims of these incidents are people just like you and I. REAL human beings that have thoughts and emotions and are feeling everything (or in some cases felt...) and experienced what happened to them. Have people become desensitized to that fact?

I mean, we hear people say things like, "That's AWFUL!" or "How terrifying that must have been!" and shit like that, but there are people that I've met that just don't seem to understand or process the actuality sometimes. Call it the "this could never happen to me" syndrome, but they are so ignorant to the fact that what they are reading about in the paper or seeing on the news was an actual experience that happened to someone.

I don't understand the people who will mull around an accident scene to see what happened. I don't get the bystanders who would rather stand around and video an incident to put on youtube than step in to help. I can't even wrap my mind around what the thought processes of people who just don't get the fact that reality is happening around them and it is NOT some fake occurrence going on for their amusement. And yet here these people are, vapor locked and eyeballing and ogling what's going on in apparent fascination about everything.... It's kind of sick if you ask me.... Just sayin'.....

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