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Saturday, June 23, 2012

I Hate People.....

I made the mistake of reading far too many news articles that friends had posted up on their Facebook pages. I am absolutely sickened by a lot of these people who are taking up space and wasting air. A woman who rented out her 5 MONTH OLD DAUGHTER to a 49 year old man to have sex with... Chinese and Korean people found to have pills containing the ground up corpses of babies, sold to them as some kind of natural supplement. People getting hopped up on bath salts and eating other people. Then you've got your usual array of abductors, rapists, murderers, child abusers, cop killers, senior citizen abusers.... It's filled with the worst of the worst every day and it seems that these types of people are popping up more frequently. It used to be a rarity that we would hear about some nutter doing something horrendous, but these days, it's everywhere and it is in abundance, it's everywhere and we are constantly bombarded by it in all sorts of media outlets from television to radio to the internet....

Walking around the street to get to where I need to get to, I am guarded, on alert and constantly scanning the area for potential threats. Call it paranoia if you want, but the thing of it is, you NEVER know when and where these less than savory people are going to pop up and when shit is going to hit the fan. It rather makes me sick that I have to be this way sometimes, until I read yet another article about yet another terrible something happening to some random someone, right in my neighborhood or a few miles away or something unimaginable happening to some random person somewhere in the world...

The "it will never happen to me" mentalities of the people is scary too.  I mean, I'm pretty sure that the people who had those bad things occur weren't thinking, "Yup! Something really bad is going to happen to me today!" and yet, open up a newspaper and flabammo! They'll be articles about how somebody was raped or killed or beaten up or robbed or abducted and missing or some child was <insert "the list of terrible things that are happening to children these days" here>. People are walking around pretty clueless, making themselves easier targets for predators... Really? Considering that these are the very same people saying that the world is going to hell, they make it rather easy to become victims themselves.... :engage face palm:

There is just way too many things that I see in the news (and it's ALL skewed anyway to meet the needs or agendas of certain organizations or political whatever) that pisses me off. I don't  know why I subject myself to the daily barrage of some person or persons perpetrating some egregious and despicable act of some sort on another person or persons and having the images etched into my mind. It does, however, reinforce my beliefs that we all need to train harder and be ready for what comes ahead rather than sitting around hoping that it doesn't happen. A lot of people need to wake up to that fact....

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