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Monday, December 19, 2011

Not what I thought.....

Well, last night, I went to take a shower, only to discover that there was no hot water. With teeth chattering, I lathered up and then got shampoo in my eye. While cussing about the cold water and the burning sensation in my eye, I continued to experience hypothermia as I rinsed off. I thought the worst would be over. I was wrong.
I dropped the bottle of conditioner on my toe and the bottle cracked spilling out it's contents all over the place. And of course now, there's a nice slick coating of slippery stuff all over the bottom of the shower floor.  In trying to re-coop some of the spilled conditioner from the shower floor, I slipped and fell on (surprise!) my face. I managed, through grit teeth, a bloody nose and with barely working limbs and fingers (from the cold),  to get enough conditioner worked through my hair, but not before I snagged my ring in it and ripped out a clump of hair.
I finally got myself rinsed off completely as I shivered and shut the now ice cold  water. I probably would have been better off hosing off in the front yard outside... Whatever. I had wounds to attend to.
I reached for my towel, only to discover that it was cold and wet. Someone had used my towel. Yuck! I hate that. So I opened the cabinet door (to get a new towel out), right into my toe! Yippee! The hits just keep on coming! I dry off and start nursing my burning eye, my flattened toe, my bruised face, my bloody nose and I admired the little bald spot on the side of my head while trying to get the feeling back into my extremities. The chattering of my teeth made my face hurt more and I ended up biting my tongue. Grrr.....
I haphazardly slipped into my warm fluffy fleece-y jams, missed a button, undid the buttons to button them up right and wrapped up in a fluffy yummy fleece-y robe and pulled on my warm fleece-y boots. Ah.... Warming up, but still rather grumpy over this whole shower ordeal as I was re-packing my nose with toilet paper because someone used the last of the tissues and didn't replace the box.
I went into my children's rooms to check up on them. All of them were tucked into their beds and sleeping soundly and it brought a sense of calm and happiness to me. They were snuggled in their blankets, everything well in their world. My daughter, whom I always check last because she's usually in my bed with me, was tucked into her "usual place" right next to me nestled among Fred, her favorite blanket and Goggy, her cherished bear. I couldn't help but smile.
I spent some quality time on the couch with my Puppy Guts and we laughed and chatted and snuggled and stuff, eating cheese and crackers with my Mitchie and Otis and it was great.
At the end of the night, when the guys left and I was going through the bedtime routine, I sat at my desk trying for all the world to write up some kind of rant that I can go on about what a crappy shower I had to endure and the words just didn't flow the way I wanted them to. So I sat and stared at the cold and unfeeling keys that gave me no indication as to where I should go with this post. So, I went to bed.

My weekend started off with arts and crafts and games and fun and tree trimming and "fake Christmas eve" dinner and ice cream sundaes and cocoa and a movie with all six of the children. Then yesterday, Lucky and I woke up and had relaxed brekkies at OUR table with all six of the kiddos at the condo, and did a makeshift "Christmas morning" in "OUR home". We chilled out in our jams. Later on, we got dressed up to take the "holiday portrait". We opened presents that were under OUR Christmas tree, had some cocoa and made gingerbread houses. We chilled out, enjoyed the "Christmas type feeling", had an early dinner and me and mine came back to the place where we are allowed to sleep and Lucky brought his children to where they live. It was insanity, but we were all having the time of our lives. It was hectic, but somehow, we managed. It all went smoothly. As crazy as the day was, it was enjoyable and it all went as planned. After the terrible wretched shower, I even got to hang out with my man AND my bestie...
At the end of a day like this, for me to be complain that my shower was the most stressful part of that day? Put into perspective, the day rocked and I warmed up pretty quick in my jammies. I awoke this morning to find that I'm fine and although my face is a little sore, I've done worse. My four babies, no doubt, dreamed away about the adventures we had this weekend and they are as healthy and happy as could be. The weekend was accomplished WELL and the kids and Lucky and I had a great time! A great end to an awesome weekend.
When I look at it THAT way, I guess I can be thankful that the shower was the only truly stressful thing that I had going and even THAT got done successfully. I didn't say, it went smoothly, but it got done. I succeeded without injuring myself too severely in the process.

I really thought that this was going to turn into another foul mouthed rant about how everything sucks, but I honestly say I don't feel that way any more. Humph! Go figure! We now return to our regularly scheduled program where I hate all things Christmas. :)

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