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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Dun dun daaaaaaaah ..........

So, it turns out that we have come to another one of those omen-y, prediction-y, end of the world type thingie dingy days. Whether it was Nostradamus, the ancient Incans or whoever, tomorrow is yet another one of them. :sigh:
I mean, I know that I've lived through a whole bunch of them in my lifetime and obviously, nothing ever came of them and we all survived... So in another moment where I gave a something WAY too much thought, I started thinking about the law of averages here.... I mean, let's think about this for a second. EVENTUALLY, the possibility that one of these times, one of those predictions might be right and considering how many weren't, doesn't that sort of mean that the possibility for it to be right increases now that we've used up the "wrong" ones?
And then, what would the end of the world be like? Are we going to be unaware and blinked out of existence in the blink of an eye and POOF!, done? Or is it going to be more of the long suffering "You're gonna experience the worst time of your life and watch everyone you love around you die a horrible death!" kind of things.... Maybe it's going to be a zombie apocalypse. Maybe it's going to be the biblical, four horsemen, Revelations type thing.... and the unknown of THAT whole deal-y makes things a little more frightening.
Yes, I know. I think about weird stuff WAY too often. THAT'S bad enough. But then I take it to the next level and over think them.... :sigh: It's all part of my charm.

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