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Sunday, March 27, 2011


So I had a cold over the last week. Nothing huge, I felt like crap for a few days, but I was functioning... No big deal. The last day and a half, my tooth started bothering me. I chalked it up to being related to the sinus congestion... I was wrong. It turns out that I have a tooth that is abscessed.
You would think that something as small and stupid as a tooth wouldn't knock you on your ass, but it sucks. A trip to the ER for heavy duty antibiotics that are making me puke, percocet that barely takes the edge off the maddening pain... It's a fuckin' TOOTH for cryin' out loud, but here I am, laid out on my ASS prayin' for something...
So Friday night, I drove the kids up to their dad's for the weekend. They're having a blast... Saturday morning, at about 3 AM, I wake up to a screaming pain in my mouth. It hurt from my ear all the way down my jaw, so I started popping advil. I got nothing. Lucky was on duty so I decided to call him so that I could whine about the owie. It was sweet. He let me. AN hour later, he's at the door, insisting that he take me to the hospital.
So I go, kicking and screaming, (no not really)and the ER doc doses me full of antibiotics and a whole mess of painkillers, then prescribes gigantic horse pills for both the infection in my tooth and for the debilitating pain. (She was a hoot! ) A couple of hours later, after we pick up the script at the local 24hour CVS, he tucks me into bed where I decided that I would empty the contents of my stomach into the porcelain altar. I gingerly brushed my teeth and still fuzzy from pain meds, I forced myself to take another antibiotic and half a painkiller and fall fitfully asleep.
Some few hours later, Lucky came back to take care of the dog and watch stupid movies with me, hold my hand, brush my hair, rub my feet, scratch my back, bring me tea, go out and get me food, held my hair while I puked it all up, tried to comfort me, cut my pills, make sure that he woke me to take my meds at the right time throughout the night, and hold me while I whined and complained about how much I hurt and do anything and everything to take care of me short of taking on the pain for me, which I know he would have if he could and didn't leave my side, except to walk the dog and pick up takeout food.
With the antibiotics finally kicking in and alleviating the swelling in one half of my lower jaw and the side of my face, noms that he fed me, and my not throwing up because of the meds, I'm feeling better. I have to say that despite it was the suckiest 36 hours of my life, it also wasn't.
Thank you so much for taking such good care of me, Puppy Guts. I love you too...

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