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Friday, March 4, 2011

Stuff with things...

In doing the rewrite/ re-edit/ draft edit... All sorts of other crap on the manuscript that I have to get to the publisher in a couple of weeks, I have noticed that on the SUPER MEGA rough draft, I was a little less than... Thorough in my writing... It turns out that in my haste to get the ideas down on paper, I was less than descriptive and wordy than I should have been... A fine example:
Stuff was happening. <Describe stuff.> After the described stuff, with the things <describe things>, there has to be a WOO HOO! before <Slap!> The Woo Hoo goes along with the stuff that happened with the thing. Make sure it's all WHOA! Then there are some squiggly lines, a bunch of stick figures and some small circles, something that may be Swahili or Japanese (your guess is as good as mine at this point...), and of course, all in the chicken scratch that I call my handwriting.
Exhaustion has been the secret decoding device as it seems, it all makes sense when I am exhausted. The next day however, trying to read over the typed translations of the scrawlings that look more like an EKG reading during defib than actual words in addition to the hieroglyphics of a two year old, brain damaged chimpanzee, well... Let's just say my friends "shit, piss, cunt fuck, cock sucker, mother fucker and tits" have all come in very handy.
The end result? Well, let's just say, the story itself has become a whole new creation and has taken a life of it's own and it is very angry with me for whatever reason and it is trying to kill me. It taunts me and it teases me in my waking hours and haunts me when I sleep... Okay... I may be over exaggerating, but still, I can't wait to be done... So that I can get started on the second one... And THAT set of binders and notebooks and scrap pieces of paper looks worse than this one... Oh boy...   :s

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